News Archive 2014 -2015
- The Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Agriculture visited ICAR Research Complex and interacted with the farmers at Lembucherra, West Tripura.
- Tripura Farmers Corner
- ICAR Sikkim Centre Collected Soil Samples for Issuing of Soil Health Card on World Soil Day.
- Trainers Workshop on Trends in Harvest and post-harvest Fisheries.
- World Soil Day Observed at ICAR Research Complex,Umiam.
- ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya celebrated “Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan Week” from 26th-29th December, 2015
- Iathuh ka ICAR ia ka dor dielang u Shynrai. Ka ICAR Research Complex, Umiam, lyngba ka Network Project kaba la tip kum ka “Market Intelligence” kaba hap hapoh ka Division jong ka Social Sciences ka la iathuh lypa ia ka dor dielang jong u shynrai (ba la lah dep ot bad thad lane ba lah long ban tyllait). Katkum ka kyrwoh na katei ka tnad kaba peit ban kyntiew ia ka rep ka riang ha ka thain shatei lam mihngi jong ka Ri, la ong ba ka dor die lang jong u shynrai ha ki Iewheh kiba don ha Meghalaya na ka bynta u bnai Naiwieng - Kyllalyngkot, 2016 kan long hapdeng 9580 tyngka haduh 10500 tyngka ha ka shi spah kilo. Kine ki dor ki lah ban iapher na kawei ka iew sha kawei pat..
- “1st National Mushroom Day” celebrated at ICAR-RC-NEH Region, Mizoram Centre, with theme of “Mushroom for nutrition and health” under AICRP on Mushroom.
- Training Cum Input Distribution Programme Held On Popularization Of Rabi Pulses Production in Mizoram.
- Technology Week Celebrated at KVK, South Tripura
- KVK Anjaw celebrates Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan.
- Hon’ble Union Minister of State Agriculture Interacted with ICAR-NOFRI.
- ICAR – NOFRI Trained Tribal Farmers On Organic Crop Production.
- Training on backyard poultry production cum distribution of Vanaraja birds held at Chunguti.
- ICAR – NOFRI Observes Jai Kisan - Jai Vigyan Week.
- ICAR-KVK organizes Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting.
- Fertilizer application based on soil health evaluation: A success story for Phaipheng village, Mizoram.
- ICAR-NRC on Seed Spices Organize Farmers Training on Organic Production Technology of Seed Spices for Sikkim.
- KVK West Siang conducts Technology Demonstration under ATMA.
- World Soil day and Pre Rabi Campaign Celebrated at KVK, South Tripura
- ICAR-KVK East Sikkim celebrates Agriculture Education Day.
- One day training on Integrated Farming System was conducted at Nilang village on 1st December, 2016 by KVK Anjaw.
- ICAR, KVK Anjaw impart Training on “Importance disease in piggery production and its prevention & control measures” held at Chameliang, in collaboration with Manyu welfare society, Anjaw on 3rd Dec 2016.
- Awareness programme on World Soil Health Day 2016.
- Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Anjaw conducted training programme on Integrated Disease and Pest Management in Large Cardamom on 6th December 2016 at Metengliang.
- ICAR- KVK West Siang observed World Soil Day on 5th December, 2016.
- Rain water harvesting ( Jalkund ) boosts yield for winter vegetables crops.
- KVK Anjaw celebrates the “Agriculture Education Day” 3th December, 2016 for promoting the field of Agriculture and allied sciences among the students and public.
- ICAR-KVK, East Sikkim celebrated “World Soil Day”.
- KVK Anjaw Conducted Interstate Exposure Visit Cum Training Programme
- KVK Anjaw conducted Training Programme.
- Stakeholder Meet on Agriculture Development and Agromet Advisory Services in Nagaland Organized on 21st November, 2016.
- Training on Scientific Pig and Poultry Production: Avenues for entrepreneurship development in North Eastern Hill Region
- KVK Anjaw conducted training on improved production technology of pea.
- ICAR - KVK Demonstrated the Resource Conservation Technologies for Rabi Crops
- KVK west siang conducted Training Programme.
- Collaboration of K.V.K Anjaw with NBPGR in exploration cum collection of local landraces from Anjaw District of Arunachal Pradesh.
- ICAR-NOFRI Empowered Maharashtra Farmers with Organic Farming Techniques.
- Awareness cum Training programme on Preparation of Pineapple Juice and Jam: A joint venture of ITBP BASAR and KVK West - Siang for HWWA (Him - Veer Wife welfare Association) at ITBP BASAR
- A case report on Mithun by KVK Anjaw, Arunachal Pradesh
- Rabi KisanSammelan, 2016 organized by KVK, West Siang, ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar.
- Method demonstration of nursery management in protected cultivation and distribution of quality planting materials by KVK Anjaw.
- ICAR-KVK East Sikkim organized Field Day on Zero-till cultivation of Black gram (Pahenlo Dal).
- Lentil cultivation under Conservation tillage in Rice Fallow system transform livelihood of the hill farmers under collaborative project of ICAR-ICARDA-DAC.
- Training Cum Input Inject Programme Held on Promotion of Pulses Production under TSP.
- Training cum method Demonstration on Oyster Mushroom Production Technology.
- ICAR AP Centre Conducted Training and Inputs Distribution in Namsai and Longding District of Arunachal Pradesh.
- Training programme on “Establishment of Nursery and Nursery Management on Cole Crops” was conducted by KVK, Anjaw.
- ICAR- KVK organizes Animal Health Camp at Nandok.
- ICAR-KVK strengthens farmers through input support under NICRA at Nandok.
- Rabi campaign organized under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP), at Bilkhawthlir, Kolasib district on 8th November 2016.
- ICAR-NOFRI Empowered Arunachal Farmers with Organic Vegetables and Spices Production Techniques
- ICAR-KVK, West Siang Conducted Three Days Training Programme on Entrepreneurial Skill Development of Farmers of West Siang District.
- Training Programme On ‘Promoting Rabi Vegetable Cultivation To Increase The Net Cropping Intensity In The Wetland Rice Fallows Of Mizoram’ Under National Mission For Sustaining Hill Ecosystem- Task Force – 6 (Nmshe, Tf- 6), Organized At West Phaileng, Mamit District (Teirei Village And Dapchhuah Village) On 3rd And 4th November 2016.
- Significant Achievement for the month of October 2016KVK Hailakandi organized day long training programme for the NGO Personals.
- Training cum critical inputs distribution at Jumlo village, Siang District under TSP.
- KVK West Siang conducts Plant Health Camp
- Video Conferencing with Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri. Radha MohanSingh.
- Field and laboratory visits conducted for the B. Sc. (Horticulture) students of College of Horticulture, Selesih at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Mizoram Centre, Kolasib.
- Training Programe on Promotion of Rabi Maize and Frenchbean Cultivation in Rice Fellow of Mizoram under TSP at Bhuchangphai Village, Kolasib.
- KVK Anjaw Conducted Training on IDM and IPM in Large Cardamom.
- Awareness cum diagnostic visit conducted under NMSHE TF-6 at Lipu Namchi village.
- ICAR-NOFRI Organized Skill Development Program for Farmers of North Sikkim.
- Farmer Scientist Interaction Held at Hayuliang
- ICAR RC for NEH Region, AP-Centre, Basar Conducted Training.
- Training on scientific management on Mithun husbandry for better health and improve performance for greater survivability held at MGMG adopted village, Supliang.
- KVK RI-BHOI Coordinated Inter-State Exposure Visit Cum Training Programme.
- ICAR-KVK orgsnises farmers scientist interaction for winter crops.
- Swachhta Pakhwada conducted in Amaliang, Anjaw district.
- Swachhta Pakhwada conducted in Hayuliang town, Anjaw district.
- Swachhta Pakhwada conducted in Sophliang town.
- A case report on piggery with congenital blind of both the eyes (KVK Anjaw).
- ICAR-Mizoram Centre conducts training programme on “Application of micronutrients to rejuvenate citrus for Mizoram farmers”
- Farmer Scientist Interaction cum Awareness Programme on Pulses held at Walong.
- ICAR-NOFRI Organized Skill Development Program for High Altitude Tribal Farmers of North Sikkim.
- Training cum method demonstration by KVK West Siang
- KVK West Siang conducts Rabi Vegetable Production Campaign in NICRA-TDC Village through training and seed distribution.
- Interface cum Awareness Programme of GKMS with CABI at Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar
- Training on Backyard poultry production for livelihood improvement of rural area held at Sawmikemp, Anjaw.
- HINDI Fortnight Official Ceremony at ICAR-NOFRI.
- Training cum method demonstration by KVK West Siang.
- Trainings and cum farmer scientist interaction training programme held at Walong and Kibithoo Circle under ATMA and PMKSY.
- Spaying in Dog: A case report by KVK Anjaw.
- Successful Vanaraja Backyard Poultry Farming Enterpreneur Under Intensive Condition from South Sikkim.
- Castration in Dog: A case report KVK Anjaw.
- Special Meeting on Promotion of Pulses in NEH Region & State Level Farmers Meet on Promotion of Pulses in Tripura organized by ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region and ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, during 19-20 September, 2016, at Agartala, Tripura
- KVK West Siang conducts need based awareness cum training programme on 19th September, 2016 by the experts of KVK West Siang
- An animal vaccination cum health camp was conducted in Marapara village of Dalu block of West Garo Hills, Meghalaya by ICAR-KVK, Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya on 20th Sept 2016
- Review Meeting of KVKs of Sikkim organized at ICAR-NOFRI.
- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Anjaw organized training on oyster mushroom cultivation.
- ICAR-NOFRI, Tadong Empowered Tribal Farmers of South Sikkim.
- ICAR-KVK demonstrated organic package of practices of rajmash.
- Farmers Sensitized on Climate Resilient Agricultural Technologies.
- ICAR-KVK trained production technology of Oyster mushroom cultivation.
- Farmers Club BLOTP Programme Organized at Nilang, Anjaw.
- KVK West Siang conducted one day training programme on important diseases and pests management in potato on 26thAugust,at Basar
- Diagnostic field visit was conducted by Scientists Sh. Thejangulie Angami (Fruit Science) and Sh. Nirmal (Agroforestry), ICAR (RC) for NEH Region. AP Centre, Basar at Degom Rijo village, Tirbin circle, West Siang district, Arunachal Pradesh on 25th August 2016.
- KVK, ICAR, Tura organized an awareness programme on “Promotion of Pulses” under TSP at Block Development Office, Resubelpara, North Garo Hills, Meghalaya on 23rd August, 2016
- ICAR KVK promotes self employed through skill development.
- KVK, Anjaw celebrated 70th Independent day
- An animal health cum vaccination camp was organized by the Animal Science Section of KVK West Siang (Arunachal Pradesh) at the Disi, Pagi and Regi villages of West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh on 10th, 11th and 12th August, 2016.
- Two day exposure field visit of unemployed youth of Aalo west constituency at ICAR Research Farm Gori
- Three days training programme on “Livelihood improvement of tribal farmers of Mizoram through cultivation of high yielding varieties of Rice and Maize” under TSP from 09.08.2016 to 11.08.2016i
- Three days training programme on “Sugarcane cultivation for economic empowerment of tribal farmers of Mizoram” under TSP from 04.08.2016 to 06.08.2016
- ICAR KVK organizes farmers meeting on pulses production through seed village concept in Sikkim
- Animal Health Camp Organized as a part of Independent Day Celebrations at Hayuliang, Anjaw
- KVK West Siang Conducted Farmers Training and Method Demonstration in ICRA TDC village Disi
- KrishiVigyan Kendra Anjaw inaugurated their android based m-app named “Smart Kisan”
- ICAR-NOFRI Empowered Tribal Farmers of South Sikkim
- Agri-Livestock training programme at Logum Jini of West Siang district Of Arunachal Pradesh
- Farmers training and input distribution programme under Jhum Improvement by ICAR Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar.
- ICAR KVK Demonstrated Low Cost Water Harvesting Structure Jalkund.
- KVK East Sikkim conducted Diagnostic Visits.
- Training programme on Promotion of Pig Breeding through Artificial Insemination and Scientific Management Techniques in Nagaland.
- KVK West Siang Conducted Farmers Training under Plant Protection.
- Animal Health Camp conducted at Lipu Namchi Village of West Siang District by ICAR AP Center Basar.
- ICAR- NOFRI Trained Tribal Farmers of East Sikkim on IPM of Large Cardamom.
- ICAR-NOFRI organizes farmers–scientist’s interaction for promotion of pulses in Sikkim.
- ICAR-KVK, West Garo Hills organizes vocational training programme on “Dairy Farming”.
- ICAR–NOFRI, Sikkim Holds State Level Review Meeting.
- Training programme for economic empowerment of women held at Tafraling village, Anjaw.
- ICAR-NOFRI Empowers Tribal Farmers of East Sikkim Through Organic Technology and Input Support.
- Aqua-Horti Training cum Demonstration: Aiming higher food production in Arunachal Pradesh.
- Trainer’s Training on Scientific Backyard Poultry Farming for Anganwadi Workers of Nagaland.
- ICAR-NOFRI Holds State Level Research Advisory Committee Meeting.
- District level farmers training programme on Acid Soil Reclamation conducted under ATMA on 23th June, 2016
- KVK West Siang conducted Farmers Training Programme under Plant Protection.
- Successfully conducted a multidisciplinary Capacity Building programme by KVK WestSiang and ICAR-Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar:A Joint venture
- KVK Anjaw Successfully Organized Farmers Fair Cum Awareness programme on Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna.
- KVK West Siang Conducted Multi-disciplinary Farmers Training.
- Awareness Programme under GKMS, ICAR A.P. Centre, Basar.
- KVK West Siang conducted training programme at New Bam under Horticulture.
- Training on scientific Piggery Production with theme “Nutritional security and Livelihood of Tribal Farmers through Improved Piggery” under Tribal Sub Plan was held at Paya Village.
- KVK West Siang Conducted Farmers Training cum Method Demonstration.
- Farmers Fair on PMFBY is Going to be Organized by KVK Anjaw.
- ICAR-NOFRI Empowers Tribal Farmers of East Sikkim Through Technological Backstopping and Input Support.
- KVK West Siang conduct FLD programme on Preparation of Taktir Squash.
- Tripura Centre of ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region encouraging Murrah buffalo farming and Farm Mechanization among tribal farmers.
- Training Programme on scientific Piggery Production with theme “Nutritional security and Livelihood of Tribal Farmers through Improved Piggery” under Tribal Sub Plan was held at Metengliang Village.
- Integrated Training and Demonstration programme conducted by ICAR RC for NEH Region, Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar scientists at Menchukha.
- A field visit was conducted by a team of KVK West Siang experts comprised of Dr. Kangabam Suraj Singh (SMS-PP) and Mrs. DeepaLal (SMS-Horti) at Gori II village and Sire RigoVillage in Mr. KenmarBasar’s banana Farm and Polyhouseon 2nd June, 2016.
- Vocational training programme on “Livestock Based Income Generating Activities under Climate Change Situation”.
- Training Programme on protected cultivation of vegetable crops.
- ICAR-NOFRI Empowers Tribal Farmers of South and West Sikkim Through Technological Backstopping and Input Support.
- KVK West Siang Conducted farmers Training Programme under Plant Protection.
- ICAR-NOFRI Organized Annual Review Meeting of AICRP on Poultry Breeding and Poultry Seed Project.
- Awareness cum Health camp for Livestock and Poultry at Sago Village of West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh on 27th May, 2016.
- KVK, ICAR, Tura celebrated a special SwachhtaPakhwara during 16th – 25th May, 2016. The fortnight long programme started by administering Swachhta Pledge to officers and staff of KVK which was followed by cleanliness drive in the official premises of KrishiVigyan Kendra.
- KVK West Siang Conducted Farmers Training Programme at Echi Chiku.
- Inovative Technologies For Simplified SRI To Increase Rice Production Demonstrated At Basar on 21st May, 2016
- West Siang Conducted Farmers Training cum Group Discussion at Sago village of West Siang District.
- In house meeting for discussion on various issues of Animal Sciences based projects in Nagaland was organized on 19th May 2016 at ICAR RC for NEH Region Nagaland Centre.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre upgraded in to National Organic Farming Research Institute (NOFRI).
- ICAR Empowers Tribal Farmers of South Sikkim Through Technological Backstopping and Input Support.
- Thirty (30) numbers of Piglets distributed under the theme “Nutritional security and Livelihood of Tribal Farmers through Improved Piggery” under Tribal Sub Plan.
- Training on scientific Piggery Production with theme “Nutritional security and Livelihood of Tribal Farmers through Improved Piggery” under Tribal Sub Plan was held at Tfraliang Village.
- Visit to Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mamit, Mamit, Lengpui, District.Mamit for establishing of District Agrometeorological Unit (DAMU).
- ICAR Sikkim Centre Organising State Level Workshop on Post Entry Quarantine.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre empowered North Sikkim tribal farmers on Organic Crop Production.
- ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Sikkim Centre, Tadong, Gangtok organised two days ‘State Level Workshop on Post Entry Quarantine’ from May 06-07, 2016
- One day awareness-training programme was organized by Young Mission Adventure Club (YMAC)-Yomcha as a lead organizer sponsored by NABARD,on 4th May,2016
- Brainstorming session on Climate Resilient Technologies for Improving Livelihood Improvement of farmers of Mizoram under National Mission for Sustainable Hill Ecosystem-Task Force 6 on 5th May 2016, Aizawl (Mizoram)
- Training Programme on scientific Piggery Production with theme “Nutritional security and Livelihood of Tribal Farmers through Improved Piggery” under Tribal Sub Plan was held at Amliang Village on 25th – 29th April,2016
- Farmers Awareness Programmes were organized under Gramin Krishi Mausam Seava GKMS- IMD at three different Districts of Mizoram.
- Diagnostic visit held at Metengliang.
- Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna Organised by KVK-East Sikkim, ICAR Sikkim Centre, Ranipool.
- Visit of Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha, Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, Incharge Manipur State at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal on 5th April 2016.
- 3 Days Training Programme on “Potential Technologies options towards Sustainable Food Production in NE Indian state of Mizoram” Under NMSHE at Phaipheng, Bilkhawthlir from 29.03.2016 To 31.03.2016.
- Sucess Story : A small step by Smt. Tobom Basar – a giant leap for district farmers: A success story on livelihood through Vermi-compost production.
- Livelihood Analysis of phaipheng – Bilkhawthlir West Through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Techniques Under National Mission Sustainable Hill Ecosystem (NMSHE).
- CAU-CAEPHT and Department of A.H.L.F. & V.S. conducted Animal Health and Infertility Management Camp at Machong East Sikkim.
- Farmers’ Awareness Programme under GKMS, AMFU Basar.
- KVK Anjaw organized successfully his 1st Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting.
- Training cum distribution of Vanaraja birds for livelihood improvement of tribal farmers of Metengliang area under Tribal Sub Plan in Animal Science.
- Farmers training and input distribution programme under Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) at Bomdila by ICAR Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar.
- KVK-West Siang conducted diagnostic field visit.
- Field and laboratory visit organized for the M. Sc. (Forestry) students of Mizoram University, at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Mizoram Centre, Kolasib, Mizoram.
- Kisan Sammelan cum Input Distribution Organized by KVK Anjaw.
- Success counts sweetest at KVK West Siang,Arunachal Pradesh.
- Diagnostic visit 1: KVK-West Siang diagnosed disease in farmers’ nursery farm.
- ICAR and Department of A.H.L.F. and V.S. undertake infertility diagnosis and management through ultrasonographic at field level.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre organizes inception meeting on NMSHE.
- Training cum demonstration on scientific poultry management of Vanaraja birds for livelihood improvements of tribal farmers of Medong segment, Hawai.
- Training on scientific management on piggery production for livelihood improvements of tribal farmers of Medong segment, Hawai. Under Tribal sub plan.
- Sucess Story:Integrated Organic Farming System: An approach to improve livelihood security of farmers in Sikkim.
- KVK West Siang conducts a multi-disciplinary on-farm training.
- Training on scientific poultry management of Vanaraja birds for livelihood improvements of tribal farmers of Metengliang area.
- Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav: ICAR-CIFRI provided technical support for fisheries enhancements in Chilabondha beel of Assam.
- Farmers awareness programme on role of Gramin Kirshi Mausam Seva (GKMS) for improving livelihood improvement of Mizo farmers under GKMS.
- Livestock- fishery awareness cum health camp at Siro and Hari village of Ziro, Lower Subansiri district of Arunachal Pradesh.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre concluded training programme on Approaches for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre organizes training programme on Approaches for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.
- Vocational Training on Processing of Fruits and vegetables.
- KVK-West Siang conducted Hands on Training Programme on value addition of ginger.
- Training cum diagnostic visit conducted by KVK West Siang.
- ICAR empowered North Sikkim Tribal Farmers on organic crop production.
- Awareness cum Health camp for Livestock at Daring circle of West Siang District.
- KVK-West Siang conducts Capacity Building Programme for farmers.
- Training on Post-harvest management and value addition of Khasi Mandarin.
- KVK Anjaw conducted training on Crop Management of Pea for Higher production.
- Castration in Dog: A case report KVK Anjaw.
- KVK West Siang imparted training to 31 farmers.
- KVK West Siang diagnoses another insect-pest attack in farmers Field & cures it.
- KVK West Siang Conducted Demonstration on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).
- KVK-West Siang diagnosed diseases in farmers’ field of Basar Circle.
- Hon’ble Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare visited ICAR Sikkim Centre.
- Exploration Cum Diagnostic Visit.
- Training on Scientific Feeding Management in Piggery Production.
- ICAR Empowered North Sikkim tribal farmers through input and technological support.
- Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan Diwas observed by KVK Anjaw.
- Field Day on Sali Paddy.
- KVK ICAR Celebrates “Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan” Week.
- Livelihood Improvement of Tribal Farmers of Mizoram through Zero Tillage Rapeseed-Mustard Cultivation in Rice Fallow
- Introduction of Lilium enhances income of under-employed farm women in Kolasib district, Mizoram: A Success Story
- Introduction of New High yielding varieties of Tuber crops Improves livelihood of Jhumias in Mizoram.
- Improvement of Livelihood of Tribal Farmers of Mizoram through Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Rice: A Success Story.
- Vegetable cultivation for livelihood improvement of Jhumias in Saiha, Mizoram.
- ICAR, Nagaland Centre Organized Skill Development Training on“Skill Development of Tribal Farmers through Food processing and Value addtion” under TSP project.
- Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan Diwas was organised by KVK, ICAR,West Garo Hills.
- Kishi Vigyan Kendra organizes Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting.
- First reported successfully domestication of Hubsi mushroom (Schizophyllum commune) in Arunachal Pradesh.
- KrishiVigyan Kendra (ICAR Sikkim Centre), East Sikkim, Ranipool organized day long “Training programme of tribal farmers for integrated farming system through technological backstopping and input support” on December15, 2015 at Timpyem village, East Sikkim
- Quality planting materials distributed by KVK Anjaw to the farmers of Supliang, Bomna and Metengliang villages on 06th – 08th December,2015 and 10th December ,2015.
- On 9th of December’15, Mr. N. Ete, Deputy Commissioner, Anjaw, Mr. B. Towshik, ADC, Hayuliang, Dr. T. Ete, C.O along with team of senior executive officials of different line department for the first time visited the KVK Metangliang farm, at Anjaw District
- KVK West Siang Conducted Multi-disciplinary Training cum technology demonstration.
- KVK East Sikkim Celebrated “World soil Health Day” .
- National seminar on ‘Sustaining Hill Agriculture in Changing Climate’ inaugurated.
- The World Soil Day observed by KVK Dimapur on 5th December,2015.
- A programme of “World Soil Day cum Rabi Kisan Sammelan” was organized by KVK Ri-Bhoi in collaboration with NRM Division, ICAR at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam on 5th December 2015
- Distribution of Soil Health Cards and Quality Planting Material of Cabbage and Turnip on International Year of Soil’ 2015 by KVK Anjaw on 5th December,2015
- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, West Siang District and ICAR AP Centre, Basar, Arunachal Pradesh celebration of World Soil Day on 5th December, 2015
- Training -cum- technology demonstration of Zero Tillage Pea Under NICRA Project Organized by KVK Ri-Bhoi on the 1st December 2015 at Kyrdem village.
- Expected Bumper Production of Potato in Basar
- Animal Vaccination cum health camp held by KVK, West Garo Hills on 3rd December 2015.
- Sucess Story: Enhancing Lentil production for nutritional security and sustainable rice-based production system in Garo Hills districts of Meghalaya.
- A case report in cattle (Bull): Maggotic wound dressing and its management. (KVK, Anjaw Arunachal Pradesh).
- Successful cultivation of shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) in Arunachal Pradesh.
- 23rd International Grassland Congress.
- New wave of vegetables production of winter crops.
- Exploration Survey conducted at Nilang village by KVK Anjaw.
- 2nd ICAR Hailstorm Task Force Meeting Organized.
- ICAR-KVK strengthens farmers for production of pulses and oilseeds in East Sikkim.
- KVK ICAR stresses on production of pulses and oilseeds in East Sikkim
- ICAR, KVK-West Siang conducted diagnostic visit tofarmers’ field.
- Training Programme conducted by ICAR,Basar“Construction of Low Cost Polyhouse for offseason vegetables cultivation”.
- Working Group Meeting of AICRP on Agrometeorology.
- Newsletter on PRA conducted at Metengliang village.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre Collected Soil Samples for Issuing of Soil Health Card on World Soil Day.
- Team of Scientists Done the Soil Samples Collection at Anjaw.
- ICAR-KVK, West Siang experts inspects farmers field of NICRA-TDC project sites.
- Sucess Story: Technology Enables Farmers to Secure Livelihood in Andaman Islands.
- Training cum exposure visit by KVK West Siang.
- A Case reports on adult cow from KVK Anjaw, Arunachal Pradesh.
- A farmer’s field day was organized at Umiet village in the Ri- Bhoi district on 31st October 2015 to promote community farming in “Improving Jhum Through Introduction of Rabi Crops Following Community Nursery Method”.
- ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra East Sikkim organized awareness cum training on Rabi pulses.
- Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Urged Scientists to Develop Farmer Friendly Technologies.
- Training programme on “Establishment of Nursery Management on Cole crops” conducted by KVK Anjaw.
- KVK Anjaw conducted Training Programme at Tafraliang on Integrated pest management in Citrus.
- Sensitization workshop on “Aquatic Animal Diseases in Assam” at ICAR- CIFRI, Regional Centre, Guwahati.
- KVK East Sikkim Instigates for Rabi Vegetable crops.
- KVK Anjaw conducted Training on Vermicompost.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre Celebrates 40th Foundation Day.
- Earning through Bee Keeping: A success story by Anup Chandra and R Bhagawati: ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar 791101,West Siang Distt., Arunachal Pradesh.
- Field day on “Promoting rabi Tomato cultivation technologies in raised beds to increase the cropping intensity in Mizoram” (Under Tribal Sub Plan).
- Rabi Vegetable Production Campaign in Basar through Seed distribution and training of farmers.
- Successfully produced first Vanaraja chicks at ICAR Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar.
- Rabi Kisan Sammelan organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra East Sikkim at ICAR Sikkim Centre.
- ICAR-National Research Centre on Pig and Agrinnovate India Limited, New Delhi jointly organizes a meeting on Technology Commercialization on 29th September, 2015.
- Kisan Mela was organized at ICAR-VPKAS Experimental Farm, Hawalbagh.
- KVK Anjaw Conducted Training Programme at Walong.
- Training programme conducted by KVK Anjaw on “The package of practices for Large Cardamom"
- Training on IFS conducted by KVK Anjaw on “Integrated Farming Systems for Enhanced Resource Use Efficiency and Livelihood Security of Small and Marginal Farmers”.
- ICAR's Technological Backstopping through Input Support System for livelihood Improvement at Lower Sadam.
- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Anjaw organizes training on Mushroom Cultivation.
- Training Programme conducted by KVK Anjaw on "Establishment of Nursery and Nursery management on cole crops at Anjaw".
- ICAR- KVK empowered farm Women through group approaches.
- Curtain Raising of ‘Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav’ Programme in Sikkim.
- Programme on Disease management of Livestock under NICRA.
- Quinquennial Review Meeting held at ICAR.
- West Siang KVK Conducted A Training Programme On Preparation Of Blended Passion Fruit and Pineapple Juice
- ICAR initiated Swachh Bharat Abhiyan at Timpyem village.
- Multi-disciplinary training at Disi Village by KVK West Siang.
- Diagnostic survey on Sikkim Mandarin at Beyong, East Sikkim.
- Animal Health conducted at Goiliang by ICAR, KVK, Anjaw.
- KVK, East Sikkim Strengthens the Farm Women through value addition.
- Training on protected cultivation technology conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Anjaw.
- Training programme on scientific cultivation of large cardamom organized by ICAR, KVK Anjaw.
- Press Release
- Training programme conducted by KVK Anjaw on “Identification of efficient marketing system for proper disposal of produce agriculture and horticulture crops”.
- ICAR demonstrates Jalkund technology to tribal farmers in East Sikkim.
- KVK Anjaw conducted method demonstration on Bordeaux mixture preparation.
- 3 Days Training Programme On “Popularization of Raised & Sunken Bed Technology for Livelihood Improvement of Tribal Farmers at Mizoram” Under Tribal Sub Plan.
- ICAR organized training cum awareness program on small scale integrated pig production at Namcheybong.
- ICAR stressed on climate resilient cropping system to cope up with climate change.
- Tribal women empowerment through small scale integrated pig farming in Dzongu North Sikkim.
- KVK Anjaw Conducted Training on Integrated Disease Management in Citrus.
- Field Visit Conducted by KVK West Siang in Farmer’s Jhum Field at Pagi.
- Diagnostic Visits Conducted By KVK Anjaw.
- Technology infusion of Tribal Farmers through Vanaraja Poultry.
- Training Programme On Integrated Nutrient Management For Higher Production In Rice Conducted By KVK West Siang.
- Success Story on “No Tillage of Vegetable Pea in Rice Fallow”.
- KVK Anjaw Conduct Training On Oyster Mushroom Production.
- Rainbow Trout culture and seed production at Arunachal Pradesh.
- Training conducted by KVK Anjaw on Agro-techniques of maize cultivation.
- Training on the scientific cultivation of large cardamom held.
- KVK- East Sikkim Promotes and strengths Women SHGs for Organic Oyster Mushroom Production Technology.
- Training Programme on SHGs formation for livelihood improvement by KVK Anjaw.
- Press Release: ICAR Sikkim Centre Organize Maize Day.
- District level training programme on system of rice Intensification (SRI)- An ideal system for higher production and productivity in Arunachal Pradesh at Basar.
- First State level exhibition on Farmer’s Varieties of Sikkim and Awareness training on PPV & FRA.
- Training on Importance of Water Harvesting Structures on Hilly Region.
- Monitoring cum Diagnostic Visit Conducted by KVK Anjaw.
- Training Cum Demonstration conducted by KVK West Siang.
- KVK, West Siang Conduct Training on Management of Self-Help Groups.
- Awareness Meeting on Climate Change and Diagnostic Visit to Jhum Field.
- Success story: Winter vegetable production through Jalkhund.
- KVK West Siang imparted training on integrated nutrient management in maize for sustainable production.
- Training Programme cum distribution of HDPE Vermi-compost bed and earthworm conducted
- Diagnostic Visit by KVK West Siang, Basar.
- Two Days workshop on District contingency plans of Arunachal Pradesh Concluded.
- KVK East Sikkim strengthens farmers through input support under NICRA Technology Demonstration.
- KVK West Siang Conducts Monitoring and Diagnostic Visit.
- Success story “ Farm school on IPM on Rice” at Sikkim.
- KVK West Siang, Basar distributed the tomato Nursery to Progressive Farmer.
- ICAR Regional Committee Meeting at Tripura.
- Self Employment through Poultry Farming in Nagaland.
- ICAR Empowers Tribal Farmers of East Sikkim through Technological Backstopping and Input Support.
- ICAR, KVK Anjaw impart training on broiler farming.
- ICAR conducts training on oyster mushroom cultivation.
- Training on upland rice cultivation.
- Training on Integrated Farming System (IFS) and Vermi Composting.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre Training on Spawn Production in Oyster Mushroom Concluded.
- Union Minister of MSME visited ICAR-CIRG.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre organizes Hands on Training Programme on Spawn Production in Oyster Mushroom .
- Stakeholders Interface Meeting at ICAR-NRCO.
- ICAR distributed maize seed in hail affected Makha village.
- Blue Revolution in Tribal Area of Chandan Chouki in Uttar Pradesh.
- Interactive Workshop On 'Pig-Cum-Fish Farming In North-East India' Successfully Organized By ICAR-NRC On Pig, Rani In Collaboration With ICAR-CIFRI, Regional Centre, Guwahati.
- Herbaceum Cotton: An ideal option for coastal and inland saline soils of Gujarat.
- Exhibition of New Technologies and Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting of KVK West Siang conducted.
- Field Day cum Sangoshthi at ICAR-DWR.
- Valedictory Function of Training Program on Climate Change.
- World Water Day 2015 celebration at ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar 23rd March 2015, Bhubaneswar.
- KVK east Sikkim launched quality seed production programme of Maize at Dochum.
- DG, ICRISAT Delivered Lecture at ICAR-CRIDA.
- Zonal Workshop of KVKs and Training Programme on PPV&FR.
- Indo-French Workshop on Scientific Cooperation for Agricultural Research.
- Free Veterinary Medicines distributed to Mithun farmers club Mani of Papum pare District by ICAR A.P Centre, Basar.
- ICAR Signed MoU with NIAS, Bangaluru and NIF, Ahmedabad.
- Post Harvest Management of Custard Apple Enhanced livelihood of Tribals in Udaipur.
- ICAR-CRIDA transfers non-exclusive licenses for farm implement designs to Entrepreneurs of Maharashtra.
- Group Discussion of the All India Coordinated Research Project on Fruits Organized.
- Lift irrigation system ensures Lac Integrated Farming System in Rainfed Area.
- DG, ICAR Inaugurated Kisan Mela at Udaipur.
- Chief Minister of Tripura Released New Varieties at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region.
- Final list of contestants for various positions of IAHF Office bearers for the period of 2015-2018.
- ICAR Trains Senior Officials of State Horticulture Mission of Kerala on Organic Crop Production.
- ICAR - KVK East Sikkim Organizes Awareness Program for Protection of Local Land Races under PPV & FR ACT- 2001.
- National Dairy Mela at Karnal.
- Zero till vegetable pea in puddle rice fallow demonstrated to the progressive farmers.
- Dumba x Malpura crossbred lamb achieved record body Weight.
- ICAR Established ‘Model Kiwifruit Orchard’ in South and West Sikkim.
- Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan Mela Organized.
- PM unveils the foundation stone of Center of Excellence for Vegetable Production at Baramati.
- ICAR-DSR celebrates its Foundation Day.
- Lift irrigation system ensures Lac Integrated Farming System in Rainfed Area.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre Outfitted Nagaland Team with Organic Vegetable Production Techniques.
- Two days training programme on oyster mushroom cultivation concluded.
- ICAR Establishes ‘Model Kiwifruit Orchard’ at the Raj Bhavan, Sikkim.
- Monitoring and Diagnostic Visit By KVK West Siang at Basar.
- Zero till vegetable pea cultivation in low land puddled rice fallow demonstrated to the progressive farmers’ of East Sikkim.
- Awareness Program on PPV&FRA organized by KVK East Sikkim, Ranipool.
- Make Difference in People Lives, urged DG, ICAR.
- Training conducted by KVK West Siang.
- MoU Signed for Conversion of RAU into RCAU.
- Series of Public Lectures by NAAS.
- Training Programme on “Advances in Microscopy” Organized.
- Dr. S. Ayyappan, Secretary, DARE and Director General, ICAR delivered Endowment Lecture.
- Two days training and one day field visit conducted by KVK West Siang at Basar.
- Agriculture Minister Inaugurated Brain Storming Programme for Optimizing Talent Search in Agriculture.
- NRCPB Celebrated Foundation Day.
- ICAR-CRRI Signs MoU with Seed Company.
- ICAR Participates in India Water Week – 2015.
- Agriculture Minister Addressed Interactive Meeting with Agriculture Experts.
- First Meeting of Standing Technical Committee (STC) of National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)
- Agriculture Minister Dedicated Biosafety Laboratory to the Nation.
- ICAR-NRCC Participated in International Camel Festival.
- Workshop on Development of brood bank for Amur Common Carp.
- Cluster Demonstration on rabi pulses was conducted by KVK, Ribhoi.
- Launching of Mera Goan Mera Gaurav in West Garo Hills.
- Yak Mela- 2015 on 14th November, 2015 at Lumpo and General Ground, Zemithang, Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh.
- Training cum lentil seed distribution under NFSM- Pulse.
- “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav” Programme Organized By ICAR-KVK, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya on 29th October,2015, Kdonghulu village Umsning CD Block.
- Farmer’s field day held at Umiet village.
- A Field day on Sali paddy.
- Successful Birth of a Male Calf through Embryo Transfer at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya.
- Training and seed distribution of Rabi crops held at ICAR under “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav”.
- Demonstration of Soil Health Test Kit to Farmers from Tripura.
- “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav” Programme Organized By ICAR-KVK, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya.
- Short Course on Integrated Farming System Approaches for Sustainable Hill Agriculture under Changing Climate Scenario from 28th October- 6th November, 2015 organized by ICAR RC for NEH Region, Tripura Centre.
- A 10-day short course on “integrated farming system approaches for sustainable hill agriculture under changing climatic scenario”on the 28th October, 2015 at ICAR, Lembucherra.
- Field day on SRI under NICRA project organized by ICAR KVK,Ri-Bhoi.
- Vigilance Awareness Week observed in ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya from 26th - 31st October, 2015 on the theme “Preventive Vigilance as a Tool of Good Governance".
- National Seminar on “Sustaining Hill Agriculture in Changing Climate” (SHACC) to be held on 5-7 Dec, 2015 at Agartala, Tripua. Last date to submit extended summary 20 Nov, 2015.
- Workshop on “Scientific Fish Farming” organized by ICAR in collaboration with Tylliang Progressive Multipurpose Co-Operative Society Sohra was organised on 30th September, 2015.
- Iathuh ka ICAR ia ka dor dielang u Sying
Ka ICAR Research Complex, Umiam, lyngba ka Network Project kaba la tip kum ka “Market Intelligence” kaba hap hapoh ka Division jong ka Social Sciences ka la iathuh lypa ia ka dor dielang jong u sying. Katkum ka kyrwoh na katei ka tnad kaba peit ban kyntiew ia ka rep ka riang ha ka thain shatei lam mihngi jong ka Ri, la ong ba ka dor die lang jong u sying ha ki Iewheh kiba don ha Meghalaya na ka bynta u bnai Naiwieng - Nohprah, 2015 kan long hapdeng 2835 tyngka haduh 3475 tyngka ha ka shi spah kilo. Kine ki dor ki lah ban iapher na kawei ka iew sha kawei pat. - Rates of spawn and Application Form.
- Mushroom Achievements/Training Details 2014-15 and Upcoming Training Programmes.
- Wholesale price forecast of pineapple for October-November, 2015: ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya is running a Network Project entitled “Market Intelligence” under the Division of Social Sciences and has developed a pre-sowing wholesale price forecast of potato for the month of October-November, 2015. Potato may fetch a price in the range of Rs. 1500/quintal - Rs. 1600/quintal in different wholesale markets of Meghalaya during this period.
- Training on Organic farming for Sustainable Hill Agriculture organized at ICAR, Umiam which started on 17th September and ended till 23rd September, 2015.
- The 21 days “Summer School” on “Conservation Agriculture “comes to an end today.
- Dr. K.M. Bujarbaruah Vice Chancellor, AAU, Jorhat inaugurates the 21 days “Summer School” on “Conservation Agriculture” at ICAR, Umiam.
- A success story of an women farmer of West Garo Hills entitled "Income generation from pig (Ghungroo) production ".
- Kharif Kisan Sammelan 2015 by KVK, West Garo Hills district, Meghalaya.
- Training program on ‘Entrepreneur development in pork processing and value addition’ organized in collaboration with Meghalaya Institute of Entrepreneurship.
- Training on “Organic Farming” to be organized soon by the Institute for SMS from KVK .
- ICAR SEED PROJECT: Seed production in agricultural crops, horticultural crops, fisheries and technology development.
- ICAR sponsored 21 days summer school on “Conservation Agriculture for enhancing resource use efficiency and arresting land degradation” to be organized at ICAR Complex Umiam during Aug- Sept 2015.
- Short Course on Climate Change: Approaches and Strategies for Mitigation and Sustainable Agriculture at ICAR RC NEH Manipur Centre from 3rd -12th August, 2015.
- ICAR-Zonal Project directorate, Zone-III, is Organizing ‘Video Production and Scientific Documentation for the Scientific staff of Crop Protection’ discipline of KVKs under Zone –III from 17th to 21st June, 2015 at Conference Hall, of ICAR RC for NEH Region, Barapani, Meghalaya, 793103.
- Wholesale price forecast of turmeric for May-June, 2015.
- Integrated farming system: An approach towards Livelihood Security and Natural resource Conservation.
- ICAR- Indian Institute of Rice Research is planning to organise “Innovative Rice Farmers Meet” at IIRR Campus, Hyderabad, on 1st August 2015.
- Training on Mushroom Cultivation and Spawn Production from 11th to 15th May, 2015 under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) & AICRP ON Mushroom at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya.
- Iathuh ka ICAR ia ka dor dielang u Sohsaw
Ka ICAR Research Complex, Umiam, lyngba ka Network Project kaba la tip kum ka “Market Intelligence” kaba hap hapoh ka Division jong ka Social Sciences ka la iathuh lypa ia ka dor die lang jong u sohsaw. Katkum ka kyrwoh na katei ka tnad kaba peit ban kyntiew ia ka rep ka riang ha ka thain shatei lam mihngi jong ka Ri, la ong ba ka dor die lang jong u sohsaw babha ha ki Iewheh ba don ha Meghalaya na ka bynta u bnai Lber -Iaiong 2015 kan long hapdeng 1756 tyngka haduh 1989 tyngka ha ka shi spah kilo. Kine ki dor ki lah ban iapher na kawei ka iew sha kawei pat. - Ten Days training programme entitled “Adaptation and Mitigation Options for Climate Resilient Agriculture” was organized under NICRA at ICAR Research Complex, Umiam.
- Short Term Training on Adaptation and Mitigation Options for Climate Resilient Agriculture Organized by NICRA at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam from 21th -30th April, 2015.
- ICAR organizes training on ‘Adaptation and mitigation options for climate resilient agriculture’.
- Wholesale price forecast of turmeric for May-June, 2015
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya is running a Network Project entitled “Market Intelligence” under the Division of Social Sciences and has developed a pre-sowing wholesale price forecast for semi-perishable turmeric (turmeric which had been sliced and dried) for the month of May – June, 2015. Semi-perishable turmeric may fetch a price in the range of Rs. 5953/quintal - Rs. 6216/quintal in different markets of Meghalaya, if the farmers can store their produce and sell the semi-perishable product in the month of May-June, 2015 as compared to last year price which was in the range of Rs. 5700/quintal - Rs.5900/ quintal. - Awareness programme on “Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights” organized in ICAR Umiam on 10th April, 2015.
- Exhibition cum technology showcasing at KVK Ri-Bhoi.
- Agri – Exhibition cum Technology Showcasing, 2015 organized by KVK, West Garo Hills District, Tura, Meghalaya.
- Guidelines for Submission of Manuscript (Research paper/Conference Abstract/ Proceedings Paper/Book/Book Chapter/Bulletin etc) lCAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam (Barapani), Meghalaya.
- A Kisan mela for “Technology and Machinery demonstration” was organized at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam on 20th March, 2015.
- Nagaland farmers ’Training cum exposure trip organized in ICAR complex, Umiam from 17th – 19th March 2015.
- A field day on “Resource conservation option for Rabi crop in Hills” is being organized in the water management field of the ICAR RC for NEH Region Umiam, Meghalaya on 17th March, 2015.
- Field Day on Resource conservation for climate resilient agriculture held at ICAR complex, Umiam.
- Training cum exposure programme on ‘Integrated watershed management and farming system’ was organized at the ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya by the Crop Production Division of the institute.
- Wholesale price forecast of ginger and tomato for March-April, 2015
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya is running a Network Project entitled “Market Intelligence” under the Division of Social Sciences and has developed a pre-sowing wholesale price forecast for ginger and a pre-harvest wholesale price forecast for tomato for the month of March-April, 2015. The wholesale pre-sowing price of good ginger variety in different markets of Meghalaya may be in the range of Rs. 2500/quintal - Rs. 3000/quintal and the wholesale pre-harvest price of good tomato variety may be in the range of Rs. 2000/quintal - Rs. 2260/quintal. - Training on “Agro-ecological approaches for sustainable mountain farming under changing climatic scenario” (March- 16-25, 2015)
- Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela from 10th – 12th March, 2015.
- Chief Minister of Tripura Released New Varieties at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region.
- An exposure trip for the farmers from East Jaintia Hillsto ICAR organized under NFSM.
- Fact sheet about Swine Flu A (H1N1).
- Ceremonial Release of Crop Varieties developed by ICAR on 1st March ’2015.
- ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya identified four guava varieties for release.
- Training on Small Scale Rural Entrepreneurship Development through Livestock and Poultry production by VICAR (RC) NEH, Barapani.
- Director Agric. Govt of Meghalaya has requested for Exposure field visit of farmers to organic and conservation agriculture practices in the (Agronomy) Division of Natural Resources Management, ICAR Research for NEH Region field on 24 Feb, 2015. About 70 farmers would visit the Rice based cropping system under zero tillage cultivation, organic farming and other field crop.
- Announcement-Training for Bonafide Farmers on 12th February, 2015
- Iathuh ka ICAR ia ka dor dielang u Sohtrun. Ka ICAR Research Complex, Umiam, lyngba ka Network Project kaba la tip kum ka “Market Intelligence” kaba hap hapoh ka Division jong ka Social Sciences ka la iathuh lypa ia ka dor die lang jong u sohtrun. Katkum ka kyrwoh na katei ka tnad kaba peit ban kyntiew ia ka rep ka riang ha ka thain shatei lam mihngi jong ka Ri, la ong ba ka dor die lang jong u sohtrun babha ha ki Iewheh ba don ha Meghalaya na ka bynta u bnai Jylliew- Nailar, 2015 kan long hapdeng 2098 tyngka haduh 2245 tyngka ha ka shi spah kilo. Kine ki dor ki lah ban iapher na kawei ka iew sha kawei pat.
- Proceedings of Symposium on Holistic plant health management in organic agriculture held at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam-793103 Meghalaya on 10-11th February, 2015.
- Celebration of National Science Day- ICAR RC for NEH Region Umiam, Meghalaya & NERIE, NCERT Shillong, Meghalaya is organizing National Science Day on 28th February, 2015 Theme: Science for Nation Building.
- Training on Spawn Production And Mushroom Cultivation for Women Empowerment from 24th to 28th Feb, 2015 under Tribal Subplan (TSP) & AICRP on Mushroom at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya
- Union Minister of State (MSME) lauded the contribution of scientists during his visit to ICAR , Umiam on 7th February 2015.
- Tuta absoluta: A New Invasive Pest Alert
- Division of Horticulture ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Umiam-793103 (Meghalaya) Organized “Hands on Training on Horticulture Crops” from 3th -10th February, 2015 under DBT Project on Value chain Development in Citrus for NE India.
- The Division of Crop Protection is organizing a Symposium from 10th-11th Feb, 2015 on ‘Holistic Plant Health Management in Organic Agriculture’ at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya.(Email: z.symoips_icarbarapani2015 .Detail information related to Symposium can be downloaded from the following links: a)Circular b) Registration form.
- Iathuh ka ICAR ia ka dor dielang u Phan
Ka ICAR Research Complex, Umiam, lyngba ka Network Project kaba la tip kum ka “Market Intelligence” kaba hap hapoh ka Division jong ka Social Sciences ka la iathuh lypa ia ka dor die lang jong u phan. Katkum ka kyrwoh na katei ka tnad kaba peit ban kyntiew ia ka rep ka riang ha ka thain shatei lam mihngi jong ka Ri,la ong ba ka dor die lang jong u phan babha ha ki Iewheh ba don ha Meghalaya na ka bynta u bnai Rymphang-Lber, 2015 kan long hapdeng 1455 tyngka haduh 1715 tyngka ha ka shi spah kilo. Kine ki dor ki lah ban iapher na kawei ka iew sha kawei pat. - Cleanliness drive under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Organized by the Division of crop Production on 31st January, 2015.
- Election notification of IAHF Office bearers for 2015-2018 in Institute.
- 28th National Convention of Agricultural Engineers and National Seminar on “Rehabilatation and Reclamation of Degraded Land Through Cost Effective Bio- Engineerings Measures” organized by Agricultural Engineering
- Wholesale price forecast of potato for February-March, 2015-ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya is running a Network Project entitled “Market Intelligence” under the Division of Social Sciences and has developed a pre-harvest wholesale price forecast for Potato. For the month of Feb-March 2015, the wholesale price of good potato variety in different markets of Meghalaya may be in the range of Rs. 1898/quintal - Rs. 2199/quintal. If the farmers can harvest this crop well in advance, they can earn a good profit as there is possibility to increase the price in the marketing of potato as compared to last year potato wholesale price in the same month which was Rs. 900/quintal – Rs. 1280/quintal.
- Division, IEI hosted by The Institution of Engineers (INDIA) Meghalaya State Centre from 30th – 31st January, 2015 in ICAR RC for NEH Region Umiam Conference Hall, Umroi Road.
- Notification of ICAR's 20th All India Entrance Examination for admission to Bachelor (AIEEA-UG -2015), Master (AIEEA-PG-2015) and Ph.D. [AICE-SRF (PGS)-2015] Degree Programs in Agriculture and allied Sciences at Agricultural Universities for 2015-16.
- ICAR celebrated its 41st anniversary.
- ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam organised North East Regional Agri Fair 2015 at ICAR Research Complex NEH Region Umiam on 9th – 10th January 2015.
- National Conference on Opportunities and Strategies for Sustainable Pig Production.
- Good Governance Day.
- Awareness programme on "Family Farming" was organised under Tribal Sub Plan.
- One day programme was organized by the Division of Livestock Production, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani on the success inputs distribution under TSP.
The Division of Agricultural Engineering ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Umiam-793103, Meghalaya is Organising a Coordination Committee Meeting from 20th-21st November, 2014 in colaboration with Plasticulture Engineering & Technology (All IndiaCoordinated Research Project).The last date for receipt of application for Prof. M. S. Swaminathan Award and Dr. D.N. Borthakur Award has been extended to 15th December, 2014. Application forms are available at /
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region is inviting application for the following biennial awards: 1. Prof. M. S. Swaminathan Award for Outstanding Research in Hill Agriculture. 2. Dr. D.N.Borthakur Award for Outstanding Research in Farming System.The first award is a national award while the second is aregional award exclusively for the research conducted in the North East region. Interested candidates may download the application format and other details from or Last date for receipt of application is 22nd November 2014.
- Iathuh ka ICAR ia ka dor dielang u Shynrai
Ka ICAR Research Complex, Umiam, lyngba ka Network Project kaba la tip kum ka “Market Intelligence” kaba hap hapoh ka Division jong ka Social Sciences ka la iathuh lypa ia ka dor dielang jong u shynrai (ba la lah dep ot bad thad lane ba lah long ban tyllait). Katkum ka kyrwoh na katei ka tnad kaba peit ban kyntiew ia ka rep ka riang ha ka thain shatei lam mihngi jong ka Ri, la ong ba ka dor die lang jong u shynrai ha ki Iewheh kiba don ha Meghalaya na ka bynta u bnai Naiwieng - Kyllalyngkot, 2015 kan long hapdeng 9185 tyngka haduh 9655 tyngka ha ka shi spah kilo. Kine ki dor ki lah ban iapher na kawei ka iew sha kawei pat. - Education Day was celebrated on 11th November, 2014 at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam.
- ICAR, Umiam Hosting 7th National Extension Education Congress from 8th – 11th Nov, 2014.
- 7th National Extension Education Congress, 8th -11th November, 2014 inaugurated successfully in ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Meghalaya.
- Report on swarming caterpillar (Spodoptera mauritia) infesting paddy in Ri-Bhoi District.
- ICRA Research Complex for NEH Region celebrating Vigilance Awarness Week from October 27 to November 1st, 2014.
- ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya is going to Organize” North Eastern Zone Regional Agriculture Fair (NEZ RAF):2014” during 8th-10th November, 2014. For further details contact Dr. A. K Tripathi (HOD, Social Sciences) Mobile No:09436108690.
- A Conference on “Roadmap for alleviating production and productivity gap in agriculture and allied sectors in North East India" is scheduled to held during 28th-30th October, 2014 at ICAR Complex, Umiam to be jointly organized by ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam,Meghalaya and NorthEastern Council, Shillong. The official email id of the conference is
- ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam Meghalaya is going to organized Two days Awareness cum Training Programme on “organic farming” for the adopted village(Mynsain,Meghalaya) under TSP-NPOF will be held during 21st-22nd Oct, 2014.For further details contact: - Dr.Anup Das (ARS).MobileNo: 91-9436336070.
- Organization of Summer/ Winter Schools and Short Courses-InvitingProposals for the year 2015-2016.
- Price forecasting of Ginger, Turmeric, Potato, Tomato and Pineapple.
- The Division of Animal Health will be organizing a Seven days training programme on “Empowering tribal women by scientific livestock rearing in integrated system of farming for livelihood improvement”, under institute Tribal Sub Plan from 14th to 21st Oct, 2014 at ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Umiam – 793103, Meghalaya.
- Zero Tillage Pea Enhanced Income of Farmers in Meghalaya at Nongthymmai Village.
- Brainstorming Session on "Water in agriculture” from 7th -8th October 2014, Organized by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi & ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Umiam , Meghalaya.
- Iathuh ka ICAR ia ka dor dielang u Sying
Ka ICAR Research Complex, Umiam, lyngba ka Network Project kaba la tip kum ka “Market Intelligence” kaba hap hapoh ka Division jong ka Social Sciences ka la iathuh lypa ia ka dor dielang jong u sying. Katkum ka kyrwoh na katei ka tnad kaba peit ban kyntiew ia ka rep ka riang ha ka thain shatei lam mihngi jong ka Ri, la ong ba ka dor die lang jong u sying ha ki Iewheh kiba don ha Meghalaya na ka bynta u bnai Naiwieng - Nohprah, 2014 kan long hapdeng 2815 tyngka haduh 3540 tyngka ha ka shi spah kilo. Kine ki dor ki lah ban iapher na kawei ka iew sha kawei pat. - ICAR-RC-NEH & DAC, Min. of agril. Collaborative Model training Course on “Participatory Technology Development in Piggery and its Products and their Transfer” in North Eastern Region from September 16th-23rd,2014 Organised by ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Umroi Road, Meghalaya-793103.
- ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam Meghalaya is Organizing “Hindi Week" from 8th September to 12thSeptember 2014.
- ICAR Research Complex is going to organize Training on “Artificial Insemination in pigs” under Tribal Sub plan from 3rd – 5th September at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam. For further details you may contact Coordination: Dr. G. Kadirvel, mobile No: 9436731791.
- Introduction and Ranching of Penga Fish in Meghalaya.
- Model Training Course (MTC) On Breeding and Management Strategies for Piggery Enterprises for Increased Productivity and Profitability (Sep 08-15, 2014).
- ICAR Sponsored Training Course on Agri-business management in Reference to Hills: Problems and prospects on September 15th -24th, 2014.
- Hindi Week held in ICAR RC NEH Region, Umiam on 8th - 12th September, 2014.
- Division of Animal Health, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam is going to organize a ‘three day’ training programme on ‘Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis and its Applications in Biological Sciences’ during 28th to 30th August, 2014 in collaboration with Bio-Rad Laboratories.
- Press Release on "Climate Change in Agriculture" was inaugurated on, the 26th August, 2014 by Md. Abdul Nasir, Hon’bleMinister (Agriculture & Fisheries),Manipur
- Training program for meat handlers on ‘Hygienic Pig Slaughter & Value Addition of Pork’ organized in collaboration with Meghalaya Institute of Entrepreneurship held on 18th - 22nd August 2014.
- ICAR-RC-NEH & DAC Min,of Agril. Collaborative Model Training Course on “Management of Integrated Farming System for Improving Livelihood Security of Tribal Farmers of Hilly Region” from 09th -26th August, 2014 in ICAR RESEARCH Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road,Umiam-793103, Meghalaya.
- ICAR-RC-NEH & MANAGE Collaborative Training Programme on “Behavioural Dimensions for Convergence in Agricultural Extension” from August 18-21,2014, in ICAR RESEARCH COMPLEX for NEH Region Umroi Road,Umiam-793103, Meghalaya.
- Training on Capacity Building under Integrated Watershed Management Programme inaugurated at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani on 11th -13th August 2014.
- Livestock Awareness cum Health camp at Pagi Village West siang.
- ICAR Research Complex, Meghalaya recommends Contingency Plan for drought like situation in NEH Region through NICRA Awareness –cum- Training Programme.
- Press Brief: NICRA Awareness–Cum-Training Programme on “Contingency Plan for Drought like Situation” held at ICAR RC NEH Region,Umiam,Meghalaya on 2nd August, 2014.
- Demonstration on SRI by KVK West Siang Continues.
- Training programme on "Rapid soil health testing kit".
- Under tribal Sub Plan (TSP) a seven days farmer’ Training on “Horticulture Based Diversified Farming system for Nutritional and Livelihood Security” is going to held in the Division of Horticulture, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya from 1st August- 7th August,2014.
- NICRA is organising a one day Awareness-cum-Training programme on "Contigency Planning for Drought like Situation" on 2nd August 2014 at 10:30 A.M (farmers may please report at 9:00 A.M for registration) in the Conference Hall of ICAR RC for NEH Region, umiam. The objective of this programme is to develop awareness among farmers, extension functionaries and media agencies regarding adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate resilient agriculture in the context of present climate change. For confirmation kindly contact Dr. A. K Tripati 9436108690 on or before 31st July, 2014.
- Successful and Encouraging visit of Farmers’ Field by KVK West Siang.
- ICAR organised monthly meeting of Programme Production Committee.
- Resilience of Murrah buffaloes for adaptation and round the year cyclicity in agro-climatic conditions of Meghalaya.
- ICAR Foundation Day Celebratedwith great enthusiam and commitment.
- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tura Celebrates ICAR Foundation day.
- Training on system of rice intensification (SRI) and demonstration conducted at Roing.
- ICAR organised monthly meeting of Programme Production Committee-PPC MMSAE.
- ICAR organised awareness – cum- training programme for SBI officers in Meghalaya.
- Training Programme on SRI conducted by KVK West Siang.
- Multidisciplinary Training Programme conducted by KVK West Siang.
- Series of Demonstration Programme on SRI by KVK West Siang.
- Bhima Shubhra- A Ray of Hope for Vidarbha Farmers.ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Meghalaya organized an exposure visit programme for Bhutan Farmers.
- ICAR Research Complex is going to organize one Awareness cum Training Programme on “Improved Production Technology of Agriculture, Horticulture and Allied Sectors” for field officers of State Bank of India(SBI), Meghalaya on 9th July, 2014 at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region,Umiam.For further details you may contact Dr. A.K Tripathi, Head, Division of Social Science & Nodal Officers (KVKs). Contact details: email id:, mobile No: 9436108690
- Indian Council of Agricultural Research and International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Work Plan Signed.
- Awareness programme on " Insurance of Livestock and Poultry."
- ICAR NEH Region observes 'WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY' organized by NICRA on 5th of June 2014.
- ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region is organizing Collaboration-Training Programme on “Self Management-Through Personal Profiling” from June 9th-12th, 2014, in ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Shillong, Meghalaya.
- An awareness programme on “Insurance of livestock and poultry” was organized by KVK, ICAR, Tura in Marapara village (Dalu block), West Garo Hills, Meghalaya on 27th May 2014 under the project “National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)”.
- Iathuh ka ICAR ia ka dor dielang u Sohtrun. Ka ICAR Research Complex, Umiam, lyngba ka Network Project kaba la tip kum ka “Market Intelligence” kaba hap hapoh ka Division jong ka Social Sciences ka la iathuh lypa ia ka dor die lang jong u sohtrun. Katkum ka kyrwoh na katei ka tnad kaba peit ban kyntiew ia ka rep ka riang ha ka thain shatei lam mihngi jong ka Ri, la ong ba ka dor die lang jong u sohtrun babha ha ki Iewheh ba don ha Meghalaya na ka bynta u bnai Jylliew- Nailar, 2014 kan long hapdeng 2215 tyngka haduh 2405 tyngka ha ka shi spah kilo. Kine ki dor ki lah ban iapher na kawei ka iew sha kawei pat.
- Midterm review of the RCM (Regional Committee Meeting) is going to held on 2nd June 2014 at 10 am at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya.
- Foodgrains Production in 2013-2014 likely to cross 264 MT.
- The Pride of Nicobar - Nicobari Pig.
- RAC is scheduled to be held on 20th -21st May 2014 at ICAR RC for NEH Region Umiam, Meghalaya.
- Union Minister of Agriculture Assumed Office on 28th May, 2014, New Delhi.
- The wholesale price of potato is going to be Rs. 1545 per quintal in the major markets of Meghalaya in the 3rd quarter of the current year, 2014
- The wholesale price of potato is going to be Rs. 1545 per quintal in the major markets of Meghalaya in the 3rd quarter of the current year, 2014
- The wholesale price of ginger is going to be Rs. 4685 per quintal in the major markets of Meghalaya in the 4th quarter of the current year, 2014
- Hailstorm Havoc in Nongthymmai Village: Crop damage and possible adaptation strategies.
- ICAR organized Awareness cum Training cum Exihibition programme on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Right Act-2001.
- Manage-ICAR RC NEH Collaborative Traning programme on "Planning and Management of Integrated Watershed Management Projects (IWMP)" from 19th - 22nd, 2014 at ICAR RC for NEH Region Umiam, Meghalaya.
- Under Tribal Sub plant (TSP) of network project on organic farming, Agronomy section is organizing a field day on “Conservation agriculture and organic farming for increasing awareness s and disseminating technology”, On 12th Mar, 2014 at Lowland agronomy farm of ICAR Research Complex, umiam.
DG ICAR and Secretary, DARE, New Delhi visited KVK, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya
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Basar, 10th March,2014

- Training on "Hygiene and Safety of Food of Animal Origin" for Butchers-Food Handlers-Animal-Handlers from 3rd - 8th March, 2014 under TSP organized by Division of Animal Health in ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya.
- Hands on Training on Operation And Maintenace of Improved Farm Tools and Implements, Under Tribal Sub Plan from 5th - 7th March at Division of Agriculture Engineering ICAR RC for NEH Region Umaim,Meghalaya.
- CAU North East Agri Fair-2014 from 25th - 27th February, 2014 at CAEPHT, Gangtok, Sikkkim.
- Farmer's Training cum Demonstration programme.
- Hands on training on Post harvest processing of ginger and turmeric was conducted during 17th and 19th February 2014 under TSP in the Division of Agricultural Engineering.
- Report on One Day Awareness Programme on protection of Plants Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001.
- Advisory Committee Meet on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Platform for NER at ICAR RC for NEH, Barapani 14th February, 2014.
- Glimpses of ‘KRISHI VASHANT’ At Nagpur – 9th - 13th February 2014.
ICAR, Tripura Centre Celebrated ‘Livestock Farming and Livestock Disease Awareness Day 2014'
Shri Aghore Debbarma, Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources, Govt. of Tripura inaugurating the programme.Read More...
- Training on "Good Agricultural and collection Practices (GACP) for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants" under the NE component organized by Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research DMAPR, Anand in collaboration with ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya from 11th - 13th February, 2014.
- Awareness Programme on Climate Smart Pig and Poultry Production System.
- ICAR farmer's training program.
- Training on Natural Resource Management for Enhancing Climate Resilience in Mountain Ecosystem from 10th - 19th Feb, 2014 in Sikkim Centre.
- Farmer's training on 'Drying of Food Products Using Solar Biomass Hybrid Drier' on 17th and 18th February, 2014 under Tribal Sub Plan at Division of Agricultural Engineering ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya.
- Ten days training programme on “Spawn Production for Women Empowerment” under TSP & AICRP Mushroom from 6th February, 2014 to 15 February, 2014 in ICAR RC for NEH Region Umiam.
- Krishi Vasant National Agriculture Fair Cum Exhibition, Nagpur from 9th - 13th February, 2014.
- Signing of MoU between CIFRI and Directorate of Fisheries, Assam.
- Training sponsored by NICRA on Recent advances in soil, plant and water management researches from 21st to 30th January, 2014 at ICAR RC for NEH Region.
- Training programme on "Agribusiness Opportunities in NE Region" is going on from 24th - 31st January, 2014 in ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam sponsored by Department of Agriculture and Cooperation Minstry of Agriculture Govt. of India.
- 25th Foundation Day of NRC on Yak was held on 23rd January, 2014 at NRC on Yak, Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh with gracious presence of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Shri Nabam Tuki.
- Yak Husbandry in India.
- National Seminar on Emerging Challenges and Prospective Strategies for Hill Agriculture in 2050 to be held on 20th - 22nd January, 2014 at ICAR Nagaland Centre.
- Minutes of the Meeting regarding Production of Farmer Friendly Material Print and Electronic Material for Krishi Vasant 2014.
40th Foundation Day Celebration of ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Umiam on 9th January, 2014
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Read more about ICAR 40th Foundation Day...
- A 6 Days Short Term Training on Data Analysis using SAS during 6th-11th January, 2014 at CAU, Imphal Manipur.
- A meeting was organised on 10th January 2014 at 10.30 a.m. at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region. In order to review the action taken for the ‘Krishi Vasant National Agriculture Fair-cum-exhibition’ which will be organised jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India and Govt. of Maharashtra at Central Institute of Cotton Research, Nagpur from 9th – 13th February, 2014.
- Circular regarding Foundation day celebration of ICAR RC for NEH Region, Meghalaya on 9th January, 2014.
- Foundation day of ICAR RC for NEH Region, Meghalaya on 9th Jan, 2014: Institute Award Applications form for Scientists/Technical/ Administrative/Skilled/ Supporting Staff.