About Us

KIRAN (Knowledge Innovation Repository of Agriculture in the North East) is a   user platform instrumental in harnessing the power of scientific knowledge and technology innovation for strengthening agricultural production systems in NE Region through dynamic partnership and convergence among the diverse stake holders. Achieving sustainable food production to feed the increasing populations of the fragile lands of the NE Region is an enormous challenge. ICAR Research Complex, Barapani envisages an information portal for agriculture to ensure an efficient use of knowledge and technology products, promoting innovative approaches and solutions aimed at improving human resource with the right knowledge skills in the NE region.

Technology and Innovation led Sustainable Agriculture ensuring food, nutritional and livelihood security


Conducting research and formulating development programmes serve no purpose, if benefits do not reach the end users. Information has to flow from the research institutes to farmers, consumers, policy makers and other Stake Holders without delay and loss. On the other hand achieving sustainable food production to feed the increasing populations of the fragile lands of the NE Region is an enormous challenge. Indian Council of Agricultural Research envisages a NE Cell for agriculture, to ensure an effective and efficient use of knowledge and technology products, promoting innovative approaches and solutions aimed at improving human resource with right knowledge skills in the NE region.

The portal on agriculture, through its Knowledge Management System need to act as an efficient warehouse and repository of relevant information, knowledge and technology in agriculture and allied sectors. On the other hand having a platform to foster linkages among partners and collaborate with public, private, state and regional organizations functioning in the region will be of immense help to unleash the true potential of agriculture in North East India.

Therefore to provide a suitable platform by harnessing the powers of Information Technology, KIRAN (Knowledge Innovation Repository for Agriculture in Northeast) was conceptualized and came into being on 16th July, 2012.
KIRAN is an umbrella arrangement to harness the power of scientific knowledge and technology innovation for strengthening food production system in NE Region through dynamic partnership and convergence among the stake holders.

KIRAN is envisaged to act as a catalyst for strengthening our institutional capacity through fruitful convergences and networking in the region. At the same time it is an arrangement for providing technology and consultancy for development through interfacing users with technology and service providers. KIRAN is also going to facilitate accessibility and availability of technology solutions to stakeholders with a focus on inclusiveness and will encourage farming system based interventions to provide support for agro-ecological planning and development.



Contemplated partners

All ICAR institutes and Regional Centres in NE Region, Central Agriculture University, Assam Agriculture University, North Eastern Hill University, All Central Universities of NEH, State Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture and Veterinary of the NE States, North Eastern Council, National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development, APEDA, Spice Board, State Biodiversity Board, NIRD, NEIST (North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat), NESSC, Meteorological Departments, National Institute for Entrepreneurship Development , ZPD, Prominent NGOs and Agro-based Industry, All Research Organizations of NEH, All Financial Institutions that can serve the agriculture sector etc.