Farmer Scientist Interaction Held at Hayuliang
KVK Anjaw organised farmer scientist interaction on 25thOctober, 2016 under ATMA (Agriculture Technology Management Agency at Hayuliang Village.The session was started with welcome address by Dr Manish Kanwat, Programme coordinator, KVK Anjaw. Shr. K. JilenAdditional Deputy Commissioner, Hayuliang grace the occasion as the Chief Guest.Other dignitaries from line department were also present. The key resource person for the training programme were Dr. K. Pradheep, Senior Scientist and Dr. G. D. Harish from National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resource (NPBGR) were the key resource person for the programme.All together 53 farmers attended the interaction session. During the programme Dr. Pradheep and Dr. Harish spoke on the role and function of NBPGR and importance for the preservation of local germplasm. They stressed on maintainace of local germplasm as they are the source in evolving new improved variety, resistance to pests and diseases. Later Dr. Tilling Tayo SMS, Animal Science delivered a lectures on brooding of chicks for increasing farm income of the farmer. Senpon Ngomle, SMS, Plant Protection and Rebecca Eko, SMS, Horticulture also spoke on mushroom cultivation and large cardamom cultivation during the programme. K.JilenADC, appreciated KVK Anjaw for organising as well as the farmers for attending the said programme. He ask the participants to fully grab such opportunity for learning and should start practicing so as to disseminate to other farmers. During the programme other dignitaries also spoke on the occasion.The programme was concluded with distribution of certificate and planting materials to the farmers by ADC, and other dignitaries.
Glimpse of Farmer Scientist interaction, 2016
Inauguration of farmer scientist interaction Welcome address by Dr. M. Kanwat, Sr. Scientists S Head KVK Anjaw
Lecture by Dr.Tillingtayo on Brooding of chicks
Lectures by Senpon Ngomle on mushroom cultivation
Lectures by Rebecca eko on large cardamom cultivation Distribution of certificates and potato tubers
Distribution of potato tubers
Groups photographs with farmers and dignitaries