Dumba x Malpura crossbred lamb achieved record body Weight.


Large body size with rapid growth efficiency is the current need of the sheep farming in the country.

The per capita animal protein consumption in India is 10.4 g per day compared to world average of 25 g. As per Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recommendation, minimum amount of 30 g of meat /day/head should be taken which makes requirement of 10.95 kg of meat/head/annum. At present availability of meat is only 5.5 kg /head/annum.



A crossbred male lamb DM-23 (Dumba x Malpura) born in ICAR-Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar achieved record body weight of 45.4 kg at 6 month of age. The lamb was born from crossing of Malpura female with Dumba male on 28th November 2013 in the institute. Lamb born with 3.7 kg body weight and attained body weight of 29.3 kg at 3 month of age.

The production of Dumba x Malpura lambs could be one of the options for enhancing meat production and bridging the gap between demand and availability of meat in the country.

(Source: CAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar)