Field Day cum Sangoshthi at ICAR-DWR


18th March, 2015, Jabalpur

Farmers’ field day cum sangosthi was organised on 18.03.2015 at Bharda village of Panager locality, Jabalpur by the ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur.

Dr. A.R. Sharma, Director, ICAR-DWR outlined the farmers’ field research trials by DWR scientists, newer techniques coming up in crop cultivation, conservation agriculture technique, sowing by happy seeder machine and improved crop production practices being adopted in other localities in Madhya Pradesh.


During the programme, the use of happy-seeder and performance of improved weed management techniques were explained by showing on-farm trials conducted in different farmers’ field. The advantages of conservation agriculture and sowing by happy seeder machine were illustrated by scientists from DWR to farmers by citing the nearby field trial. The adopted farmers who had used the happy seeder and following conservation agriculture technology also shared their experiences to the participating farming community.

The field day was attended by 150 Progressive farmers, NGOs, Grampradhan/Panchayat member, state agril department officer and scientists from DWR. Remarkably, female farmers have also participated in good numbers.

(Source: ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur)