A case report on piggery with congenital blind of both the eyes (KVK Anjaw)


Diagnostic visit by Dr. Tilling Tayo, SMS-Animal Science, KVK Anjaw, was done at Chameliang village on 6th October 2016. While visiting to pigsty of Mrs Sobrablu Manyu. It was found that pig was laying head facing opposite to feeding trough (Picture No.1). Further on observation it was found that feeding trough was full of feeds, pig-showing sign of anorexia, prominent backbone, dehydrate and anatomical deformities with short body length (Picture No.2). On interrogation with owner regarding history of pig, she informed that pig was blind since birth and her mother (sow) died due to diarrhea and eye infection last year. It was interesting to note that despite of blind since birth, the owner raised the piglet on hand feeding, feeling pity instead of abandon. The pig after attending maturity could able to furrow two times till now. In the first furrowing sow give birth three (3) numbers of piglets but all the pigs had died due to improper caring of sow, because of blindness and inexperience to raise the piglets. However, in the second furrowing the sow could able to give birth, four (4) piglets and only two (2) piglets survived. Now the survive piglets are weaned and kept in separate pigsty shown in (Picture No.3). However, the present rearing of pig in this health status may not be scientifically feasible on economic point of view but emotional bounding between pig and owner cannot be overlooked on social and recreation perspective point of view, thus unconditional bounding and belongingness continues.

Advice given to owner (Farmer):

  1. Deworm the pig regularly at interval of four months
  2. Feed extra vitamin and mineral supplement @ one tea spoon twice a day, morning and evening for 2 months, after mixing in feeds.
  3. Deworming drugs, Vitamin and mineral supplement are to be collect from KVK office Anjaw on any working hour.
  4. Provide adequate fresh drinking water to check dehydration.


Picture No.1. laying down near feeding trough   Picture No.2. Anatomical defect with short length body


Picture No.3. Weaned piglets of sow kept in
separate pigsty
  Picture No.4. Congenital  defect eye (Blind)


Picture No.5. Monitoring in sow pigsty   Picture No.6. Monitoring in weaned pigsty