ICAR, KVK Anjaw impart training on Broiler Farming


Training on broiler farming for sustainable income generation for rural youths of Hayuliang farmers club was organized by ICAR, KVK Anjaw, here at Chameliang village under Hayuliang circle on 17th May 2015.

Dr. Tilling Tayo Programme Coordinator (i/c), ICAR, KVK Anjaw, thoroughly thought about broiler farming through power point presentation right from the planning, housing, feeding, vaccination and rearing management of day old chicks to marketable age i.e two months. On interacting with the rural youths he said it is astonish to know that, so far no poultry farm have been established in Anjaw neither at Government level or at individual farmer level, every meat be it of broiler, kroiler, pork etc. are coming from nearby districts Tezu or Tinsukia. The price of per kg live broiler bird is sky rocking, fluctuates between Rs 200- 260/kg. He asked the participant rural youths to tape the potential of broiler production at Anjaw district. Stating that rural youth are corner stone for future developments of community in village, society and district as a whole. He encourage the rural youth to take a bold steps and have serious thought in broiler farming in commercial dimension , ICAR KVK Anjaw is there for you and well equipped with technical know how? Further he promise to deliver services at doorsteps to the interested rural youths in broiler farming.  

Mr. Khuwero Tamai, General Secretary, Hayuliang framers club motivated the rural youth to come out with clear determination and dedication to go for broiler farming and said he is going to extend his every possible help and support to avail loan by tying up with banks, allied Deptt. and NGO, where every it may possible but cannot take into granted he added.

Earlier Mr. Prasanta Mahanta, Farm Manager, ICAR, KVK Anjaw, highlighted about the role of KVK for rural famers in Anjaw district and asked the rural youth to work in close coordination with ICAR, KVK Anjaw to uplift the farming scenario of Anjaw district.

Altogether 36 rural youths and women attended the training programme.