KVK West Siang, Basar distributed the tomato Nursery to Progressive Farmer


A group discussion was held on 28th May, 2015 at KVK West Siang Instructional Farm, Bam by Dr. Kangabam Suraj Singh (SMS-Plant Pathology) with Karyom Bam (SRF,TDC-NICRA), J.C. Koch (T-4), Tagam Bam (SSS) and progressive farmer who has constructed polyhouse. Dr. Kangabam Suraj Singh suggested to grow tomato inside the polyhouse during off season and distributed 200 nos of seedlings of high yielding variety of tomato to him on the spot. Earlier also he got the seedlings from Shri A. Kirankumar Singh, i/c Programme Coordinator and produced 256 kgs of Tomato from his polyhouse in four plucking and sold the produce @ Rs. 30/kg.