Prunus nepalensis
Fruits used as fresh and for processed product like jam, jelly, squash, RTS and wine
- Fruit weight- 8.5-13.65 g, stone weight- 1.95-2.75g, pulp recovery-60-70%, TSS- 18-20%
Myrica nagi
- The ripe fruits are edible and are used as fresh, making refreshing drink and pickle
- Fruit weight-7- 12 g, TSS- 5.5-6.4%
Garcinia (Garcinia cowa)
- Ripened fruits are unique as it is externally similar to tomato and internally to citrus because of the presence of juice sacs
- Fruit weight- 52- 65 g, TSS- 6.8
Star aonla (Phyllanthus acidus)
Fruits are oblate with 6 to 8 ribs and 1-2.5 cm wide with pale-yellow to nearly white in colour when fully ripe
- Fruit weight- 2-5.50 g, TSS- 4.5%, acidity- 2.27% and ascorbic acid- 21.15 mg/100 g pulp.
Elaegnus spp
- Fruits are light pink coloured used as fresh by local people and for processed products like squash, jam and jelly
- Fruit weight- 18-20 g, seed weight- 3.4 g, TSS- 9.2%
Chow chow
Fruits, leaves and tuberous roots are used
Availability: April-January
Yield :250 q/ha
Sweet gourd (kakrol)
Rich source of vitamin A
Fruits and tuberous roots are used
Availability: May-October
Yield: 125 q/ha
Tree tomato (Cyphomandra betacea)
It is a perennial shrub, grown as a backyard venture crop in Meghalaya, Mizoram andSikkim. Fruit size ranges from 5-10 cm in length and 4-5 cm in width. Colour of the fruit may be solid deep-purple, blood-red, orange or yellow, or red-and-yellow. It is consumed as delicious chutney when raw or after roasting and peeling off the skin. The people like it due to its unique flavour
Tree bean (Parkia roxburghii)
Most multipurpose tree species N fixing plant as a competent agro-forestry plant for the N.East. Long tender pods are most popular and delicious vegetable in whole north east region due to its special smell, taste and flavour. Pods are available from June-July to February-March.
Dolichos or Indian bean (Dolichos lablab)
Rich source of beta carotene and calcium. Green pods are used for vegetable purposes. Pods of photo insensitive line is available from June-July to March
Scented ash gourd (Benincasa hispida)
All the plant parts are scented just like joha rice. In northeast region ash gourd is used for vegetable purposes. Seeds of scented gourd is just like serpent melon
- Suitable varieties recommended for the regions are Pusa Jyotsena, American Beauty, Red Majesty, White Prosperity, Smoky Lady, Chantiler, Jester Gold, Snow Princess and Candyman.
- Large size of corms (4cm and above) planted at 30x30cm or 30x20cm spacing improves flower quality and corm and cormel production
- Cultivars Piton, Monarch, Pink Elegance and Rosalin are recommended for polyhouse conditions and Alesmera, Black Heart, Divas Memory, RCGH-117, RCGH-76, RCGH-113 are found better for off-season gerbera under polyhouse
- Planting of suckers at a spacing of 40x30cm or 30x30cm was found beneficial to get quality flowers with good yield
- Polyhouse, made up of bamboo and 50% shade net gives good quality flowers in cv. Alesmera, Black Heart and RCGH-117
A cheap method of micropropagtion of orchids (Phaius tankervillae and Dendrobium nobile) has been developed by using isubgol as gelling agent
- Optimum germination was found on Phytamax followed by MS medium, and for PLB differentiation and plantlet growth, Phytamax supplemented with AC (3gl-1) was found best in Thunia marshalliana
- Substrate media for pot culture of epiphytic and terrestrial orchids were standardized