News Archive 2012 -2013
- KVK Anjaw conducted FLD on “Nutritional garden” .
- KVK Anjaw organized training programme on “Importance of microfinance for livelihood support among farm women and rural youths”.
- A Diagnostic Visit to a Progressive Farmers Citrus Orchard
- ASHOKA- The First Super Computing Hub in Agriculture Dedicated to the Nation.
- Training cum Exposure visit for progressive farmers under NAIP.
- ICAR Inter Zonal Sports Inagurated in Hyderabad.
- A 4 days training programme was organised on Therapeutic Interventions and Scientific Mithun Rearing Practices for Veterinary Field Assistants of Kohima, Dimapur and Paren districts of Nagaland at NRC on Mithun from 3rd to 6th December, 2013.
- A Nation’s Biggest Yak Mela was organized by National Research Centre on Yak, on the 25th November, 2013, Dirang.
- Nation's biggest Yak Mela Organized by National Research Centre on Yak, Dirang on 25th November, 2013.
- National Research Centre for Orchids, Pakyong observed National Integration week for communal harmony from 19-25th November, 2013.
- A 3 day training programme on “Management of Soft Rot of Ginger” was organised by Tadong, Gangtok, ICAR Sikkim Centre.
- One day progarm was organised on 22nd November, 2013 in ICAR, Sikkim on "Efforts to Strengthen Vegetable Production"
- A day long Training cum Awareness programme on Climate Resilient Agriculture was organised on 4th October, 2013 at ICAR Sikkim Centre Tadong, Gangtok.
- VI CAC Meeting and Annual Review Workshop on “Livelihood Improvement and Empowerment of Rural Poor through Sustainable Farming Systems in North East India” under NAIP, Component III was held on 18th November, 2013 in Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara Campus.
- Animal Health Camp cum Awareness programme were conducted at Manipur, Imphal west district – one at Manipuri Pony farm, Lamphelpat on 13th -14th March 2012 and other at Mayang Langjing- 15th – 16th March 2012.
- Strategic action plan for Improvement of yak husbandry and upliftment of socio-economic status of yak rearers in the country prepared (Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh. November 08, 2013).
- Proceedings of the 21st Regional Committee Meeting (Region III) ICAR, 17-18th April, 2013, AAU, Jorhat.
- Training on livestock and pig poultry management.
- One Day Seminar on Usage of Agro-textiles Suitable for Manipur State and Its Advantages Organized by ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre Organized FRONT LINE DEMONSTRATION on ‘Year Round Vegetable Production Technologies’ under HMNEH-I.
- KVK, East Sikkim launched Farm School on Quality Vegetable Seedling Production sponsored under ATMA, East.
- ICAR Sikkim Centre emphasized upon technological empowerment of farming community on its 38th Foundation Day Celebration.
- Success Stories: Once a Worried Farmer, Now Inspiring Villagers.
- Producing Nutritionally Rich Fodder
- Crop condition based on Rainfall and INSAT 3A CCD NDVI.
- ICKCE Brochure 2014
- Farming System Options for Rural Livelihood- success stories from NEH Region
- Awareness programme on ‘Impact of Climate Change on Crop and Livestock Enterprises’
- Training on “Integrated Fish Farming System in the Scenario of Climate Change”
- New CIFA Technologies Released at New Delhi (29th August 2013, New Delhi)
- NBFGR Organized International Workshop on Indian Mackerel Genetics Harmonization (27th August 2013, Kochi)
- A training programme on “Alternative Strategies to Combat Climate Change in Garo Hills” was organized by KVK, ICAR, West Garo Hills on 20th August 2013 under the National Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA).
- Twenty five days ESDP on Mushroom cultivation for educated unemployed youths concludes.
- ICAR-RC-NEHR, Arunachal Pradesh Centre’s Initiatives at Menchukha
- One Day Farmers' Fair Organized By ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre
- The Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Govt. of India and Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi paid his maiden visit To ICAR Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar
- Awareness cum Interaction Programme on Jhum Improvement
- Third Training Workshop and Review Meeting of SAARC-Australia
- Training Program on Climatic Data Anlysis 25-26 March 2013 under NICRA Project
- Training organized under AICRP on Tuber Crops
- Second NICRA Review Workshop at ICAR-Barapani
- One day camp on Agri-business funding opportunity at National Research Centre on Pig campus at Rani (near Airport), Guwahati-781131
- Training programme on “Data Analysis Using SAS” will be organized during February second week, 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya. The training period has been tentatively scheduled. For details see Annexure 1
- Workshop on Seed Collection and Seed Protection on potato, paddy and maize in collaboration with Khyndai Kyntoit Social and Cultural Organization (KKSCO) Wahilang, East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya will be organized for the farmers on 13th-14th, December 2012 at West Khasi Hills, 17th-18th, December 2012 at East Khasi Hlils and 19th-20th, December 2012 at Ribhoi. For details contact: Dr. A. K. Tripathi (Mobile: 09436108690, Email: )
- Training programme on “Mushroom cultivation for livelihood improvement” had been organized during 4th to 10th Dec 2012 at ICAR RC for NEH Region Umiam.
- Vigilance Week had been observed during 30th Oct. to 3rd Nov. 2012 at ICAR RC for NEH Region Umiam, Various events & activities like, debate, extempore speech, quiz, essay writing, group discussion against corruption had been performed during this week.
- A training on “Integrated water management programme (IWMP)” had been organized in collaboration with MANAGE, Hyderabad during 06th to 09th Nov. 2012 at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam.
- Education Day had been observed on12th Nov. at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam. More than 50 students from four schools viz St. Mary’s Hr. Secondary School, Shillong, Rolind Modern Hr. Sec. School, Umiam, KV, NEPA and KV, Umroi Cantt. Participated the event with their teachers. Various events & activities like, debate, extempore speech, quiz, essay writing had been organized for the students during the day.
- “Communal harmony campaign & fund raising week” had been observed during 19th to 24th Nov. 2012 at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam. Various events & activities like, debate, extempore speech, quiz, essay writing, group discussion on national integrity and communal harmony had been organized for the staffs of the institute during this week.
- A training programme on “Supply chain management models for horticultural crops in NEH Region” had been organized during 21th to 27th Nov. 2012 at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam.
- “2nd Regional Workshop on Seed programme for NEH states” had been organized during 26th to 27th Nov. 2012 at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umaim.
- A Training programme had been organized on “Modern Management Practices of Live Stock” from 3rd- 5th of December and distributed of 35 piglets and 100 poultry birds at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam.
Agri Business Camp organised in ICAR RC for NEH Region Umiam, Meghalaya, 21st December, 2013 in collaboration with Business Planning & Development Unit, NIRJAFT, Kolkata.
Highlighting the crucial role of Entrepreneurship as a catalyst for Agricultural and Economic Development, the Agribusiness Camp concluded successfully on 21st December 2013.
Jointly organized by Zonal Technology Management- Business Planning and Development Unit (ZTM-BPD) of NIRJAFT, Kolkata and ICAR Research Complex for North Eastern Hill Region, the single day event aimed to create Agribusiness awareness, build competencies on Agribusiness incubation among Entrepreneurs, and establish partnership among Agribusiness sectors in North Eastern India.Read more...
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Arunachal Pradesh Centre win the 4th e-North East Award – 2013
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Arunachal Pradesh Centre has won the 4th e-North East Award 2013 held at Golden Jubilee Banquet Hall, Niti Vihar, Itanagar on 13th December 2013 which was organized by Department of Information Technology (Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh) & North East Development Foundation under ten categories. Dr. Rupankar Bhagawati, Joint Director of the centre made presentation of the project and become winner to receive the award under the category ‘e-livelihood & enterprises’ for“Integrated Agro-met Advisory Services”. The service aims at timely preparing and delivering of weather forecast based Agromet advisories to farmers of seventeen districts of Arunachal Pradesh and other stakeholders including officials of line departments and KVKs since 2008 and has covered more than 5000 farmers across the state. The major activities are data recording, data analysis, making of Agromet advisory bulletin of crops and livestock related information beneficial to the farmers and subsequent sending through short message service (SMS) through Micromax datacard and |
- The Zonal Technology Management-Business Planning and Development Unit, NIRJAFT, Kolkata in association with National Research Centre on Yak, Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh is organizing a one day Agribusiness Development Meet on December, 17th, 2013 at Dirang.
- Iathuh ka ICAR ia ka dor dielang u Shynrai
Ka ICAR Research Complex, Umiam, lyngba ka Network Project kaba la tip kum ka “Market Intelligence” kaba hap hapoh ka Division jong ka Social Sciences ka la iathuh lypa ia ka dor dielang jong u shynrai (ba la lah dep ot bad thad lane ba lah long ban tyllait). Katkum ka kyrwoh na katei ka tnad kaba peit ban kyntiew ia ka rep ka riang ha ka thain shatei lam mihngi jong ka Ri, la ong ba ka dor die lang jong u shynrai ha ki Iewheh kiba don ha Meghalaya na ka bynta u bnai Naiwieng - Kyllalyngkot, 2014 kan long hapdeng 9075 tyngka haduh 9530 tyngka ha ka shi spah kilo. Kine ki dor ki lah ban iapher na kawei ka iew sha kawei pat. - National Group Meeting AICRP-IFS organized by ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya, Project Directorate of Farming System Research (PDFSR) Modepuram and Indian Association of Hill Farming Shillong from 2nd-4th December 2013.
- A one-day training programme on"Jhum improvement Day" was held on 16th November, 2013 in Dorbar Hall, Sonidan, Ri-Bhoi district.
Training on Natural Resource Management using Geospatial Tools
(14 – 21st NOVEMBER, 2013)
Sponsored by
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
Ministry of Agriculture
Government of India
About the training
- A 3day farmers fair, North East Hill Region Seed meet, Awareness programme on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Right Act (PPV&FRA) was organized by the ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Manipur centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal between 11th to 13th November, 2013.
- A National Workshop on “Strategies for Climate Resilient Agriculture in NEH Region” was held
during 28th -29th February, 2012 at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam. - Short term training on “Advance in diagnostic & therapeutic management of Haemo-parasitic diseases in livestock and dog” from 11th-13th November, 2013 for staff of Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Mizoram.
- A two-day National Seminar on Agribusiness potential of North-East India has been organized by the College of Post Graduate Studies (CPGS), CAU, Umiam, Meghalaya in collaboration with the Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, Nagpur during 8th -9th November, 2013.
- Silver Jubilee Celebration- Interface meeting of NRCY on 8th Nov'2013 Arunachal Pradesh.
- Brain Storming Session on Popularization of Improved Technologies of Feed and Fodders on 6th November, 2013
- Stakeholder Workshop of Food START (Food Security through Root and Tuber Crops) from 31st October & 1st November, 2013
- ICAR Research Complex, for NEH Region, Umiam observation of the “Vigilance Awareness Week-2013” from 29th, Oct 2013 to 2nd Nov 2013.
- Training programmes on “Modern scientific management of livestock and poultry” organized by the division of Livestock Production.
- ICAR RC for NEH Region is organising a stake holders meeting during 31st October 2013 to 1st November 2013 at ICAR Research Complex, Umaim,Meghalaya. Under the CIP-IFAD funded food START project (Food Security through Root and Tuber Crops). All the stakeholders are invited to participate and offer valuable suggestion on the developed action plan for the improvement of livelihood and nutritional security of farmingmunities through Root and Tuber Crops.
- A Review Workshop on cumulative Progress, Impact Analysis & Preparation of final Report Of the sub project “Livelihood Improvement and Empowerment of Rural Poor through Sustainable Farming Systems in North East India” under NAIP, Component III on 7th October, 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Meghalaya,Umiam-793103.
- 10days Training programme is going on “Mushroom cultivation, spawn production and post-harvesting management for woman empowerment” from 25th September 2013 to 4th October in ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya.
- Farmers’ Awareness Programme Cum Field Day At ICAR, Umiam Horticulture Division, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam organized a field day cum awareness programme on September 28th to showcase the latest technologies including high yielding varieties of guava, tomato, ash gourd, colocasia turmeric etc. developed by the institute to augment production of horticultural crops. read more...
- Horticulture Division is going to organizing a Field Day on “Improved horticulture varieties of the Institute” on 28th September, 2013.
- ICAR conducts training programme for rural farmers on 13th September 2013
Mangalaus - A new genus of mite discovered
The taxonomists of the ICAR Network Project on Insect Biosystematics, at the Division of Entomology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute have discovered a new mite christened as Mangalaus with a new species yet to be named. This eriophyid is one of the smallest of the arthropods of the size of 200 microns. This causes galls on the leaf called erineum on the plant “fragrant manjarack” or “Indian cherry” (Cordiadichotoma) (Fig. 1, 2). This mite has been collected from the farm of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
Mangalaus is strikingly distinct from mites hitherto known. The high profile LT-SEM studies reveal these unique characters in the micro morphological aspects (Figs.3-6). The world renowned acarologistProf. James Amrine, West Virginia University, USA states “this mite has a eye-like ocelli and represents a new genus. He adds “the tibiae of legs I and II lack a seta, but all femora have a normal seta and tarsal setae, and it is sister to Notaceria”.Dr. Ronald Ochoa of USDA comments “the round area, yes almost it does look like an eye...But as you know, there is no report of such structure in this mite family.”
- A three day training program on integrated pest management on major crops of NE Region has been organized by the National Centre on Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM), New Delhi in collaboration with the ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region at ICAR Complex, Umiam during 13th - 15th September, 2013.
- A Stakeholders meeting is being scheduled to be held on “Rice Production under Climate Change Scenario in NEH Region: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies” under the project AgMIP organized by ICAR Research Complex for NEH- Barapani on 10th September, 2013.
Plant hope for lung cancer patients -Silk route to effective treatment (Source: The Telegraph Guwahati Friday 6th September 2013)
Jorhat, Sept. 5: The North East Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST) here has found a plant extract which promises to offer a novel treatment for lung cancer. The institute is planning to start clinical trials on lung cancer patients once it gets the go-ahead by the Medical Ethics Committee constituted by the Assam government. The committee will have a hearing by the end of this more... |
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- A Training Programme on ‘IPM in Important Crops of NEH Region of India’ will be organized from 09th-11th September 2013, at ICAR Research Complex, Jharnapani, with National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM), New Delhi.
- Programme for one day consultation on contingency planning in NE state under NICRA was held on 2nd September, 2013 at ICAR-NEH, Umiam.
- Workshop on Enhancing Water Use Efficiency Inaugurated was held in NASC Complex New Delhi on 30th August 2013.
- Born at Nyukmadung farm of NRC on YAK.
- A Traning Programme regarding Participatory Rural Appraisal on “Integrated Organic Farming System in Mynsain Village, Ri-Bhoi” was organised from 27th - 28th August, 2013.
- Residential Training programme on ‘Integrated Scientific Livestock and Poultry Production for Small Scale Rural Entrepreneurship Development in Hill Ecosystem’ from 22nd -27th July, 2013 organised by the Division of Livestock Production in ICAR Umiam, Meghalaya.
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya conferred with the outstanding institute award for 2012 at the 85th ICAR foundation day celebrations.
The prestigious Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award 2012 has been conferred to ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya by the honorable President of India Shri. Pranab Mukherjee on the occasion of 85th Foundation day (16th July, 2013) of ICAR, in the presence of Shri. Sharad Pawar, Union Minister of Agriculture & Food Processing Industries, Shri. Tariq Anwar, Minister of State for Agriculture & Food Processing Industries, Dr. Charan Das Mahant, Minister of State for Agriculture & Food Processing Industries and Dr. S. Ayyappan DG, ICAR & Secretary DARE, Government of India. The award consists of Rs 10 lakh cash and a citation.
The ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region located in the remote part of the country has made commendable contribution to the agricultural research, extension and educational development of the region. During the last five years, the institute focused on strategic programmes on Farming Systems Research and developed location specific farming system models for rural empowerment and livelihood improvement. The major thrust of institute was on conservation agriculture for various land uses, acid soil management and agro- forestry systems for sustainable hill agriculture. During last five years the institute could release fourteen varieties of crops suitable for the varying agroclimatic situations of the region. The dreaded Procine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) which caused havoc in many countries were reported for the first time in India by the scientists of the institute. With availability of nearly one hundred scientists spread over the headquarters and in six regional stations across eighteen odd disciplines, the institute generated 42 technologies, 5 patents and many services for the region. Extending access to knowledge, quality seed and excellent plant and animal health care to as many as 96,000 farmers has been another significant contribution to the region.
The Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Award for Outstanding Research in Tribal Farming System 2012 was also conferred to a team of Scientists (Drs. A. S. Panwar, S.V. Ngachan and Anup Das) of the Institute on the same occasion.
- The last date for submission of “Conservation and Utilization of Medicinal Plant Resources of the North East for Human Welfare” has been extended to 14th July 2013.
- Knowledge Sharing Meet under the NEH component of TSP will be organized by Central Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands in collaboration with ICAR RC for NEH Region, at 10:30 am, conference hall on 9th July 2013.
- A 3 days training programmme on "Organic system in cluster approach" under the newtwork project on organic farming (NPOF-TSp) organised by the Agronomy section of Division of NRM during 4-6, July, 2013. 27 farmers/participated from the Mynsain village, Umsning Block, Ri-Bhoi District. The training programme is meant to promote the organic farming in the village.
- The forthcoming RAC and IRC meeting at the ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani was held from 30th June to 2nd July, 2013.
- Training programme on “Spawn Production for livelihood improvement” under TSP and AICRP on Mushroom is going on from 18th- 24th June 2103 in ICAR Umiam, Meghalaya.
- The 2nd Annual workshop of NICRA was held at IAR, New Delhi from 17th–19th June, 2013.
- Training programme on WTO (World Trade Organization) and its implications in Agriculture in Meghalaya was held from 10th-14th June, 2013 in the division of Social Science, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam.
- An exposure visit by the members of Woman Horticulture Farmers & Multipurpose Cooperative Society Kyndong Tuber, Jaintia Hills,Meghalaya going to be held on 24th May, 2013 at division of Social Science, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam.
- Study Tour of Extension Functionaries from Sameti, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh was held on 14th May, 2013.
- Training on “Integrated Farming System for Increasing Livelihood of Farmers” of Manipur has been organized during 7th to 9th May 2013.
- Two days Training cum Input distribution programme was organized on 1st and 2nd May, 2013 at Menchukha by ICAR-RC-NEHR, Arunachal Pradesh Center, Basar.
- The 21st Regional Committee Meeting (Region III) was held on 17-18th April,2013 at Assam Agriultural University, Jorhat
- Secretary (DARE) & Director General (ICAR) paid his maiden visit to ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar on 30th and 31st March, 2013
- Training cum demonstration programme on watershed development for farmers and WDT members of Dima-Hasao district, Assam from 28th – 30th March, 2013
- NAIP Component 1 Strengthening Statistical Computing for NARS training on “Data Analysis Using SAS” from 11th - 20th March, 2013 under the division of social sciences ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Umiam.
- Field day on “Conservation agriculture and crop diversification in lowland rice landscape” was organised by the Division of NRM (Agronomy section) on 5th March, 2013
- NICRA Review Workshop held at ICAR Research complex for NEH region on 30-31st January, 2013
- Licensing Press Release
- Training programme on “Data Analysis Using SAS”..
- Workshop on Seed Collection and Seed Protection on potato, paddy and maize..
- Training programme on “Mushroom cultivation for livelihood improvement” had been organized during 4th to 10th Dec 2012 at ICAR RC for NEH Region Umiam
- Vigilance Week had been observed during 30th Oct. to 3rd Nov. 2012..
- A training on “Integrated water management programme (IWMP)” had been organized in collaboration with MANAGE, Hyderabad during 06th to 09th Nov. 2012..
- Farmers Training on Upland Rice Cultivation, 17th July 2012
- Farmers Training on Soil Health Testing, 18th July 2012
- Training programme on ICT for Suatainable Agriculture, 18th to 20th July, 2012
- Planning cum Inception Workshop on enhancing food security through Tuber crops in North East Region, 24th to 25th July, 2012
- ICAR Inter-disciplinary Team Research Award 2011, for ‘Integrated soil, water and crop management for improving productivity and livelihood in fragile ecosystem of North-East by Dr. G.C. Munda, Dr. A.S. Panwar, Dr. S.V. Ngachan, Dr. Anup Das, Dr. B.U. Choudhury, Dr. D.P. Patel, Dr. A.K. Tripathi, Dr. P.K. Ghosh.
- Swami Sahajannd Saraswati Outstanding Extension Scientist Award 2011 by Dr. G. Kadirvel, Sr. Scientist. Animal Production.
- Jawaharlal Nehru Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis by Dr Manoj Kumar, Division of Soil Science, ICAR RC for NEHR, Umiam, Meghalaya.