ICAR conducts three days training program on “Improve Technology for commercial production of Rhizomatous and Tuber Crops” for farmers of Meghalaya

   A three days training programme on “Improve Technology for commercial production of Rhizomatous and Tuber Crops” was conducted by the Division of System Research and Engineering, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam for the farmers at Lumsohpieng, Bhoirymbong village, Ri Bhoi district during 4th to 6th March, 2021 and at Shilliangmyntang village, West Jaintia Hills district during 8th to 10th March, 2021. The programme was mainly to impart theory as well as practical knowledge to farmers on improve technologies for commercial production of Rhizomatous crops such as Ginger and Turmeric as well as Tuber Crops such as Colocasia, Sweet Potato, Elephant foot yam, Tapioca, Sohphlang etc. About 45 farmers each at Lumsohpieng, Bhoirymbong, Ri Bhoi district and Shilliangmyntang, West Jaintia Hills participated in the programme. During the three days training programme, different lectures were delivered to address on various issues concerning cultivation of Rhizomatous and Tuber crops which includes single bud propagation techniques, seed treatment, production, plant protection, postharvest management, value addition and marketing of these crops and in the valedictory programme, seeds of spices and vegetable crops were distributed to all the trainees. Throughout the training programme, the trainees expressed greater enthusiasm in learning and adopting these improve practices for commercial production of rhizomatous and tuber crops which will lead to higher income generation.