Technological interventions helped Nagaland farmers to mitigate drought.
Background: Low land paddy is the major Kharif crop in Dhansiripar village under Dimapur District of Nagaland covering about 242.20 hectare with the average productivity of 18.20 q/ha. In general Dhansiripar village received the rainfall either from late May or 1st week of June, and accordingly the transplanting of paddy is completed within 2nd fortnight of July under rainfed conditions. Unfortunately, during last 2-3 years, the monsoon had been interrupted and the rainfall was scanty during May to early July. The pattern of scanty showers and prolonged drought spells (7-10 days) till first fortnight of July this year in the village has resulted into lot of frustration in the minds of the farmers as they could cover only
50 % of the total area under paddy till July 25, 2014. Looking into the drought like situation in the village during June-July different alternative crops like Maize, Black gram, Green gram, Soybean and Sesamum with packages of practices were suggested by KVK, Dimapur, ICAR Complex, Nagaland centre under NICRA programme. Thus, the efforts made to nullify or re-coup the crop loss due to late onset of monsoon finally paid off as farmers agreed to cultivate sesamum as an alternative crop in drought affected area.
Paddy growing abandon area during July Drought affected paddy
Sesamum Cultivation in drought affected areas: Sowing of Sesamum crop started in the month of Early July to Mid July in the village as an alternative to paddy. 30 ha (approx) of drought affected area has been covered as per the technical advice of the SMSs and scientists of ICAR Complex, Nagaland centre under NICRA. At present the crops are in advance flowering to capsule formation stage showing luxuriant growth performance. Harvesting of the crop will commence from Mid October to Early November with minimum yield of 10-12 q /ha with expected gross income of Rs 75,000 – 80,000 per hectare which will not only compensate the loss due to drought during July, but will also help the farmers to reap more than double income than that of paddy. This small and timely intervention by KVK, Dimapur, ICAR Complex, Nagaland centre has brought smiles in the faces of the tribal farmers of Dhansiripar village in Nagaland.
Sesamum crop in flowering stage