State Level Workshop on Agri- Clinics and Agri- Business at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region
A state level workshop on Agri- Clinics and Agri- Business was organised by NABARD in collaboration with ICAR Research complex for NEH Region and Central Agricultural University on the 19th of March 2021 at the Swaminathan Auditorium to sensitise the farmers, agri students and budding entrepreneurs about the various schemes and future prospects of agri entrepreneurships. The programme was attended by over 80 farmers, an open discussion session was held and the participants cleared their doubts regarding banking loan system. Officials from the banking sector took active part in the workshop to make it an unique programme. Kamzalian DDM NABARD in his welcome address said that the programme is the need of the hour as with the pandemic the job sector is hit hard and the youths need guidance to redirect their focus. Addressing the gathering Tshring Dicckie Chairman of Meghalaya rural Bank said that banks are ready to give loans to the entrepreneurs all they need is come up with a good well researched project. Osmond Knongbri Managing Director of Meghalaya Co-operative Apex Bank Limited (M.C.A.B.) urged the youths to make the most of the available schemes and focus on the local markets. Raj Kumar Gupta Regional Manager SBI stressed that north east India is hub of untapped resources and the youth should focus more on organic products. Dr G. Kadirvel In charge Agri Business Incubation (ABI) at ICAR Research complex for NEH Region gave an insight into the functioning of Agri Business. The workshop witnessed an open discussion session in which a lot of queries addressed by the bank officials.
Dr G. Kadirvel In charge Agri Business Incubation addressing the gathering State Level Workshop on Agri- Clinics and Agri- Business