A Field day on Short method of composting for button mushroom cultivation


A Field day on Short method of composting for button mushroom cultivation was organized at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya on 12.10.18. This event was attended by around 48 farmers from East and West Jaintia Hills and nearby areas who have shown keen interest in mushroom cultivation. At the outset coordinator Dr. Pankaj Baiswar informed the gathering that compost prepared by using short method of composting is environment friendly and requires only 15 days for preparation as compared to one month in case of long method of composting. Demonstration and discussion was held related to short method of composting and also about it’s merits over long method of composting. Pasteurization tunnel along with boiler and centrifugal fan etc. were show to the participants and the process of preparing compost using short method was also demonstrated. The Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya Dr. N. Prakash expressed his gratitude to the participants for showing keen interest in this programme. Head of the Division, Dr. GT Behere also urged the participants to follow this method for button mushroom cultivation. Dr. H. Rymbai expressed his gratitude to the participants for taking this cause further and also requested them to spread this word in their locality so that more farmers adopt this method. Dr. Pankaj Baiswar and Dr. H. Rymbai (Coordinators); Dr. Akoijam Ratankumar Singh and Dr. Tasvina R Borah (Co-coordinators)