ICAR-NOFRI Organized 15-Day Training Program On Organic Production of Horticultural Crops 


ICAR-National Organic Farming Research Institute (NOFRI), Tadong organized 15-day Training Program on ‘Organic Production of Horticultural Crops in Sikkim’ for the Village Level Workers of Horticulture and Cash Crop Development Department, Govt. of Sikkim during May 23 to June 06, 2017 in order to update the latest organic production technologies and rapid transfer of ICAR-NOFRI technologies to the grass root level. A total of 08 Village Level Workers, two from each district of Sikkim participated in the training program. The program was sponsored by Horticulture and Cash Crop Development Department, Govt. of Sikkim under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture scheme.

Shri Khorlo Bhutia, Secretary, Horticulture and Cash Crop Development Department, Govt. of Sikkim was the Chief Guest in the valedictory function of the program on June 06, 2017. In his address, he appreciated the Joint Director and Scientists of ICAR-NOFRI for their sincere efforts in organizing the 15-day training program for horticulture functionaries and need based research in organic production system. He said that Sikkim state is dependent on ICAR for organic production technologies and this kind of training for horticulture functionaries shall help the farmers at the grass root level to increase the production and productivity of organic horticultural crops in Sikkim. The Secretary lauded the contributions of ICAR-NOFRI. He especially mentioned about kiwifruit hand pollination techniques, intensive vegetable production under low cost plastic tunnels, zero tillage cultivation for soil and moisture conservation etc.  He also motivated the trainees and said that we have to work hard for the sustainability of organic farming in the Sikkim. Chief Guest also released training manual on ‘Organic Production of Horticultural Crops in Sikkim’ and distributed certificates to the trainees.

Guest of Honour, Shri D.K. Bhandari, Director Horticulture and Cash Crop Development Department, Govt. of Sikkim also appreciated ICAR-NOFRI efforts in Research and Development and rapid transferring of technologies through various training programs. He also requested ICAR to organize more training programs for field functionaries in the near future to sustain the organic horticulture production system. 

Earlier, Dr. R.K. Avasthe, Joint Director, ICAR-NOFRI warmly welcomed the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour and all the trainees participating in the training program. He highlighted the relevance of this training in relation to climate change and its impact on agriculture, horticultural crops and stressed that the trainees to implement the ICAR-NOFRI improved production technologies of different crops at farmer’s field for sustainable farming in the State. He also motivated the trainees to work on three ‘D’ i.e., determination, dedication and discipline for success in their career and achieving departmental goals.

Dr. Ashish Yadav, Senior Scientist (Horticulture) coordinated the program and welcomed all the dignitaries and briefed about the various talks and activities undertaken during 15-day training program and at the end Dr. Rafiqul Islam, Senior Scientist (Animal Reproduction) proposed the vote of thanks. Shri S.M. Kandwal (Sr. Technical Officer) moderated the program.

During Inaugural Ceremony of 15-day training program, Shri K.T. Bhutia, Director, Horticulture and Cash Crop Development Department, Govt. of Sikkim and Shri K.B. Pant, Additional Director, Horticulture and Cash Crop Development Department, Govt. of Sikkim graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Guest of Honour, respectively. In their address, both highlighted the importance of training program for successful implementation of MIDH schemes and sustainable development of horticultural production systems.

During the 15-day training program, trainees were detailed with ‘Concept of physico-chemical and microbiological properties of soil and it’s health’; ‘Organic nutrient management’; ‘Organic farming production standards’ and ‘organic agronomic practices of major field crops’; ‘Organic production technologies of fruits especially Sikkim mandarin and kiwifruit’; ‘Intensive organic vegetable production techniques under low cost plastic tunnels and rain shelters’; Organic production of red cherry pepper, ginger and turmeric’; ‘Organic large cardamom production and role of agro-forestry systems in organic farming’; ‘Organic pest and disease management in major crops of Sikkim’; ‘Nutrient deficiency symptoms in vegetables’; ‘Hi-tech horticulture’; ‘Nursery raising techniques in organic crop production’; Importance of traditional horticultural crops in organic production system’; Postharvest management of horticultural crops’;  ‘Importance of SHGs for upliftment and women empowerment’; ‘Floriculture: A profitable venture in organic production system’; ‘Backyard poultry and goat production and their role in organic farming’; ‘Dairy cattle management techniques and their role in organic farming’; ‘Organic pig production techniques’ etc. Besides, hands on experience and practical demonstrations were also carried out for mushroom production technology, vermicomposting, plant propagation techniques, hand pollination techniques of kiwifruit, preparations of biopesticides and biofungicides solutions; development of value added products etc. During the training program, all the members also visited the ICAR-NOFRI Research Farm and were briefed about the ongoing research and development activities. During field visits, trainees were also taken to ICAR-NOFRI adopted model village and KVK East Sikkim. Mr Adarsh Kumar, Ms. Sujata Rai, Ms. Rajeni Pradhan and Ms. Zangmit Lepcha assisted actively in organizing the program.

Issued by – ICAR-NOFRI, Gangtok



Chief Guest, Shri Khorlo Bhutia addressing the trainees



Joint Director, Dr. R.K. Avasthe addressing to the trainees



Chief Guest releasing the training manual



Chief Guest distributing certificates to the trainees



Chief Guest, Joint Director, ICAR-NOFRI, Scientists and SMS along with trainees