ICAR-NOFRI Organized Seven-Day Training Program On Organic Crop Production For Sikkim University Students
ICAR-National Organic Farming Research Institute (NOFRI), Tadong organized seven-day Training Program for the B.Sc. Horticulture Final Year Student of Department of Horticulture, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim under Institutional Attachment during November 20-27, 2017 in order to update the students with latest organic production technologies. A total of 25 students participated in the training program. The program was sponsored by Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim.
Dr. R.K. Avasthe, Joint Director, ICAR-NOFRI highlighted the relevance of this training program and its impact on production of agriculture and horticultural crops. He spoke that ICAR-NOFRI has organized more than 590 training programs in last 4 years for the farmers, students, Government officials of various States, ATMA functionaries, officials from HCCDD and other line departments. He said that with the implementation of the ICAR-NOFRI improved production technologies, Sikkim farmers are able to increase their production and productivity thereby, their annual income. He stressed that the students should adopt organic farming as a career which has vast potential. Joint Director also distributed certificates to the students.
Dr. Laxuman Sharma, Associate Professor and Head Department of Horticulture, Sikkim University, in his address appreciated the Joint Director and Scientists of ICAR-NOFRI for their sincere efforts in organizing the seven-day training program for the students under Institutional Attachment. He said that this kind of training shall help the horticulture students to pursue higher education in organic farming and also help in building their career as an entrepreneur, if someone wants to adopt it commercially. He requested ICAR to organize more training programs for students in the near future.
Dr. Ashish Yadav, Senior Scientist (Horticulture) coordinated the seven-day training program and discussed about the Organic production technologies of fruits especially Sikkim mandarin, kiwifruit and other temperate fruits; ‘Intensive organic vegetable production techniques under low cost plastic tunnels and rain shelters’; Nutrient deficiency symptoms and management in vegetable crops, etc.; Dr. Raghavendra Singh, Senior Scientist (Agronomy) discussed about ‘Organic farming, organic production standards’ and ‘Agronomic practices for field crop production’; Shri Shaon Kr. Das, Scientist (Soil Science) talked about ‘Concept of physico-chemical and microbiological properties of soil and it’s health’ and ‘Organic nutrient management’; Shri Boniface Lepcha, SMS (Horticulture) discussed the ‘Organic production of red cherry pepper, ginger and turmeric’ and ‘Nursery raising techniques in organic crop production’; Dr. Matber Singh, Scientist SS (Agroforestry) talked on ‘Organic large cardamom production and role of agro-forestry systems in organic farming’; Dr. N. Johnson Singh, SMS (Plant Protection) detailed on ‘Organic pest and disease management in major fruits and vegetable crops’; Dr. Shweta Singh, Scientist (Plant Pathology) talked about the ‘Oyster mushroom production technology’ and carried out hands on experience and practical demonstrations for spawning, composting etc. Dr. Rafiqul Islam, Senior Scientist (Animal Reproduction) discussed the ‘Backyard poultry and goat production and their role in organic farming’; and Dr. P.K. Pathak, SMS (Animal Husbandry) briefed the ‘Dairy cattle and piggery management techniques and their role in organic farming’.
Students were also practically demonstrated soil sample collection procedures, hands on training on fruit plant propagation methods, vegetable nursery raising techniques, application of dolomite, manures and biofertilizers in horticultural and field crops etc. During the training program, all the trainees also visited the ICAR-NOFRI Research Farm and were briefed about the ongoing research and development activities. During field visits, trainees were also taken to ICAR-NOFRI adopted model village Nandok, East Sikkim. Mr Adarsh Kumar, Ms. Sujata Rai, Ms. Rajeni Pradhan and Ms. Zangmit Lepcha assisted actively in organizing the program.
Issued by – ICAR-NOFRI, Gangtok
Joint Director, ICAR-NOFRI addressing the participants
Joint Director, ICAR-NOFRI distributing certificates to the trainees
Joint Director, ICAR-NOFRI, Scientists and SMS along with students