KVK Anjaw introduced New Poultry breed.
Today 27th Aug, 2019: ICAR KVK, Anjaw introduced new improved poultry breed Kalinga Brown developed by CPDO, Bhubaneswar, Orissa in continuation to doubling farmer’s income by 2022. Improved breed have higher egg laying capacity, better body weight gain potential and feed conversion efficiency under backyard poultry system. Before the introduction of the breed, farmers were sensitized by conducting training programme on scientific backyard poultry farming with improve poultry breed. Dr. Santosh Kumar, Scientist, Animal Science explained the differences between local and improved breed of poultry and its economic feasibility in rural condition. Farmers were explained in detail about housing, feeding, brooding, health and marketing management to develop as a sustainable poultry grower association of Anjaw district. To know how, farmers were practically demonstrated the vaccination method and common medication practice used on poultry farm at the end of the training programmes. During two training programme, total 31 farmers trained and 11 poultry unit with 120 improved birds established at Kundan village Wolong circle, Chirang and Khupa village of Hayuliang circle, Anjaw district under the supervision of Dr. Manish Kanwat, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK Anjaw.
Training of Farmers |
Demonstration of Vaccination in Poultry |
Distribution of Kalinga Brown Birds to the farmers |