Hands on Training Programme on Mushroom Cultivation
Hands on training programme was conducted on 10th March 2021 and 12th March 2021 at Mylliem village, East Khasi Hills and Laban Saro village, Ri Bhoi respectively. The programme was conducted under the TSP project “Livelihood improvement of farmers through interventions of modern agricultural technologies”. The 31 number of participants at Mylliem village comprised of tribal farm women who have either tasted the wild mushrooms or those purchased from the local markets. These 31 farm women got exposure to oyster mushroom cultivation technology for the first time. The participants at Laban Saro village were all farm women (33 numbers) from different age group. During the programmes, the participants were appraised of the distinction between poisonous and edible mushrooms, importance of mushrooms as food items in terms of the nutritional and medicinal values. Brief idea about the cultivation technology of the commonly cultivated mushroom species- oyster, button, milky and paddy straw mushroom was also imparted. This was followed by hands on demonstration for cultivation of oyster mushroom. Mushroom beds of 25 numbers in poly bag method were prepared by each participants in both the programmes, under expert guidance which will be taken care of by them individually. During interaction, the participants expressed their interest to take up mushroom cultivation as a venture because of the short crop duration, less investments and nutritional security. The programme was organized and coordinated by scientists of the institute Dr. Tasvina R. Borah, Dr. Sandip Patra, Dr. Ruth Assumi and Dr. Pami Paul. The participants expressed their gratitude to the Director of the institute and TSP for organising the programme.
Hands on demonstration on mushroom cultivation |