Diagnostic Field Visit by KVK West Siang and ICAR Conducted


Basar 6tSept., 2014: A team comprised of Shri A. Kirankumar Singh, i/c Programme Coordinator, KVK West Siang, Shri Jitendra Kumar, Scientist (Soil Physics) and Shri Bomo Basar, Technician visited the fields of Shri Gede Gadi of Deke Village and Shri Yochok Taba of Tiri Village under Tirbin Circle yesterday the 5th  Sept., 2014. Shri Gede Gadi is doing farming in Integrated Farming System mode and Off Season Vegetables Production under Low Cost Polyhouse under TSP. Shri Gadi’s area where polyhouse is to be constructed is measured 33.7 m in length and 10.8 m in breadth wherein Tomato is to be grown. Moreover, he is ready to grow potato in an area of around 40 m length and 35 m breadth. His field at an altitude of 595 m above mean sea level. While Shri Yochok Taba aged about 81years is growing paddy in his WRC field at Tiri village where his production is going down year by year. His field at an altitude of around 692 m above mean sea level. The members thoroughly examined his field and come to the conclusion that the field has not been applied any manures/compost since he started growing paddy. As he expressed, he has been growing paddy since last 60 years or so without applying  any  sort  of  manures/compost  or  fertiliser.  The  team  found  the  problem  of  stem  borer infestation and heavy infestation by weeds in his paddy field. The members suggested him to carry out hand weeding or herbicide application timely with the application of manures and fertilisers.