Training on backyard poultry production cum distribution of Vanaraja birds held at Chunguti.


Training on backyard poultry production cum distribution of Vanaraja birds held at Chunguti under Hawai circle on 25th Dec 2016 by KVK, Anjaw. Dr. Tilling Tayo SMS- Animal Science KVK Anjaw, precisely discussed related to all the aspect of disease, feeding and biosecurity measure of backyard poultry production without much changing their old age traditional method of poultry rearing.  

To encourage the farmers towards improve poultry farming practices, he distributed 250 numbers vanaraja breeds pullets of 4 months old, along with feeder, drinkers, vitamin & minerals supplements and concentrate feeds under ongoing TSP on poultry. He advice the farmers to mix the concentrate feeds with locally available feeds at graded dose of 5% per day at increasing level to prevent the gastric upset from sudden change of feeding habits. Doing so by 20 days vanaraja pullets feeding can be completely replace by locally available feeds to minimize cost of rearing and easy management within available locally feeds resource.

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