ICAR-NOFRI Acquainted Assam and Karnataka Farmers with Organic Farming Techniques  

ICAR-National Organic Farming Research Institute (NOFRI), Tadong has successfully organized 04-day Training Program on ‘Organic Farming’ for the Progressive Farmers’ of Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) Kokrajhar, Assam during November 12-15, 2018. BTC is spread over 8795 sq km comprises of four districts with a population of >32 Lakhs. A total of 24 farmers attended training program and get acquainted with organic farming techniques. Additionally, a group of 21 progressive farmers from Gulbarga, Karnataka also visited ICAR-NOFRI on November 12, 2018 on their own expenses to learn about organic farming techniques. The group also visited ICAR-NOFRI Research Farm and ICAR adopted model village Thanka-Martam, East Sikkim to learn the quick transfer of developed organic production technologies.

During the program, Dr. R.K. Avasthe, Joint Director, ICAR-NOFRI highlighted the relevance of this training program for promoting the organic farming systems. He said that ‘Farmers First’ is ICAR policy and we follow it strictly. He highlighted the constraints of hill agriculture and emphasized the need of good soil health in organic production system. He also discussed in detail the concept of physico-chemical and microbiological properties of soil, soil health management and conservation agricultural practices for field crop production. He further said that we would look forward for long term association with Kokrajhar people in organizing more training programs of such kind. Joint Director also distributed various ‘Extension Folders on Organic Production Technologies’ and certificates to the trainees.

Dr. Ashish Yadav, Senior Scientist (Horticulture) coordinated the 04-day training program, he welcomed all the participants and briefed about the various talks and activities undertaken during 04-day training program. He detailed on the ‘organic fruit production with special emphasis to guava, mandarin and strawberry; and ‘Organic vegetable production under low cost protected structures’ for doubling farmer’s income.

Shri Sudhir Giri, Quality Manager, Sikkim Organic Certification Agency, Govt. of Sikkim discussed about the ‘Organic certification and traceability’. He said that organic certification is must to fetch premium price of the organic produce.

During the 04-day training program; Dr. Raghavendra Singh, Senior Scientist (Agronomy) talked on ‘Organic farming and organic production standards’ and ‘Organic conservation agricultural practices for field crop production’; Shri Shaon K. Das, Scientist (Soil Science) deliberated on ‘Modern techniques for organic nutrient management and soil sampling procedures’; Dr. Matber Singh, Senior Scientist (Agroforestry) talked on ‘Role of Agroforestry for enhancement of crop production in organic farming’; Dr. Chandramani Raj, Scientist (Plant Pathology) talked on ‘Insect pest management in organic production system; Dr. Sudip Kumar Dutta, Scientist SS (Horticulture) briefed on ‘Scope of tuber crops in organic production system’; Dr. Chandan Kapoor, Scientist (Plant Breeding) detailed on ‘Seed production technology under organic farming’; Dr. Shweta Singh, Scientist (Plant Pathology) talked on ‘Organic oyster mushroom production techniques’ and ‘Disease management in organic production system’. Mr. Boniface Lepcha, SMS (Horticulture) discussed the ‘Nursery raising techniques in organic crop production’. Dr. P.K. Pathak, SMS, (Animal Science) discussed the ‘Dairy, backyard poultry, piggery and goat management techniques and their role in organic farming’.

During the training program, all the members also visited the ICAR-NOFRI Research Farm and were briefed about the ongoing research and development activities. During field visit, all the farmers also visited ICAR-NOFRI adopted model village Thanka-Martam, East Sikkim. Giving the feedback of the program Dr. Debananda Mahanta and Mr. Dibakar Roy said that program was one of the best organized and the training contained all possible details of organic farming techniques. He also stated that Hon’ble Chief BTC, Shri Hagrama Mohilary is also very interested in organic farming and giving focus in promoting it in the Bodoland. Shri S.M. Kandwal (Sr. Technical Officer) moderated the program. Mr. Adarsh Kumar, Ms. Rajeni Pradhan, Ms. Zangmit Lepcha, Mr. Bandhan Subba and Ms. Renee Pradhan assisted actively in organizing the program.

Joint Director and Scientist along with Progressive Farmers’ of Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) Kokrajhar, Assam
Joint Director and Scientist along with Progressive Farmers’ of Gulbarga, Karnataka

Issued by – ICAR-NOFRI, Gangtok